The Kamala Harris Silent Puppet Campaign

The Kamala Harris Silent Puppet Campaign

The Kamala Harris Silent Puppet Campaign

Here is Kamala Harris’s strategy to win the Presidency: stay quiet, smile for the camera as she boards a plane destined for another American city, and leave it to the media to decide her policies.

I mean, isn’t that pretty much what is happening right now? Kamala did one recorded and edited sitdown conversation with a liberal news site. Big whoop. But that will probably last her until November 5th because the media will cover for her. And people have gotten used to this type of campaigning.

How does a bumbling idiot go from being the laughing stock and probably the most meme’d politician to now the most popular Democratic presidential candidate in America? Kamala Harris has been mocked mercilessly with her word salads and being the Joe Biden DEI hire of the century. But now the Democrats would like to have you believe that she’s their most wonderful woman to do their bidding.

Then again, it seems obvious that there’s a clear reason why Kamala Harris isn’t being subjected to debates, primaries, detailed policy explanations, daily press briefings, etc. She’s famously terrible at all those things. Maybe it’s more accurate to say Harris is bad at explaining herself in almost any public forum in a way that doesn’t make her sound completely vapid, but it turns out that all these tests of leadership hinge on that. – The Federalist

She’s too stupid to think for herself. She is in way over her head here. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, Barrack Obama, and hell, even AOC are salivating for their turn at directing Kamala.

Then again, it could be that she is the socialist commie that the right keeps talking about, and she has her players in place to help her do her bidding. She just has to stay clear of the press and not answer any questions.

Perhaps all the ridiculous cackling and word salads are a diversion from her real agenda.

Don’t think for one second that while Kamala Harris is waving at the press as she walks by with her lips sealed that this kind of crap isn’t going on behind closed doors with the swamp-making deals. It’s always been the way with the politicians.

Can you imagine Kamala Harris sitting down with Vladimir Putin in negotiations? Well, even if this were to happen, we wouldn’t know the truth about anything said during the meeting. The media would cover for Kamala as they have always done.

Sure, Kamala is making the rounds across the country, exhaling hot air about her campaign promises of this or that. Anyone can stand up and give a speech—look at Joe Biden. But what about when it comes time to have the media ask her about these campaign promises? Apparently, she still does not have a single policy on her website.

There are signs the voting public may be developing some immunity to Harris’s obfuscations. She’s made progress, but the race is a tossup. The polls are too close to draw firm conclusions. Each policy rollout raises more questions. The Sept. 10 debate with Trump looms. He could use the moment to dispel the Harris mystique by defining her as a lefty weakling unsuited to lead the United States. A blown opportunity would allow Harris’s campaign of concealment, misdirection, amnesia, and euphemism to continue through Election Day—and into the White House. – Free Beacon

So, while Kamala was giving her canned stump speeches and taking no questions from anyone, Donald Trump went on Fox News and did take questions from the citizens.

With Trump, we know what to expect. He was President before. America thrived under his administration. Donald Trump loves America. Donald Trump works for the people and addresses their concerns. While he is Donald Trump, he still seems accessible. He is not afraid to answer the people.

But Kamala Harris? Good grief, we’d all be in the dark if she were to become president. Kamala Harris answering to the people, come on, man. She doesn’t have time for such pettiness; they have an election to win.

A top spokesman for Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign laid bare her strategy for dealing with her and President Joe Biden’s record: Just win, baby.

“We don’t have time to sit around and think about why, over the last few years, certain things may have happened or may not have happened,” Ian Sams, who was previously an attack dog for Biden, told CNN on Thursday morning. “We’ve got to go win an election.”


In fact, Democrats have held the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. They have controlled at least one house of Congress for half of Trump’s term and all of Biden’s.

“I mean, these working-class voters are telling us right now that more of them are with Donald Trump than Kamala Harris,” Hunt continued. “Why — what is it about what you guys have been doing for the last three-plus years that explains that?”

“And so, you know, I understand the pundit class wants to sit around and maybe have these conversations,” Sams shot back. “But at the end of the day, this is a campaign. And we’re running to win. And she’s running to win.”

There is no time to dwell on the Biden-Harris record, he said, “We’ve got 60 days until the election.”

Washington Examiner

The Democrats don’t have time for you, people! They have to keep the elite royalty in office so they can continue with their business as usual while you do the hard work.

And having puppet Kamala Harris installed as their candidate is their strategy.

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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