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The Indoctrination of Children for Obama Chorus

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The Indoctrination of Children for Obama Chorus

The Indoctrination of Children for Obama Chorus

When just plain old patriotic, America-loving songs won’t do, just sing to your Dear Leader, the Obamamessiah:

Stop the ACLU has an interesting video comparison:

What, exactly, do Obamamessiah supporters want to “change” and “rearrange”? I somehow doubt they mean mere policy changes. Screw the United States the founders built, they’re going to give us socialism and perhaps one day communism, and keep your mouth shut if you don’t like it!

And of course, this was just a random outpouring of these kiddies love for Obama expressed through music. It all took place in one afternoon… and it was definitely NOT produced by a Hollywood giant like, say, President and CEO of Universal Jeff Zucker along with other Hollywood types. No, this was just a grassroots effort of some miscellaneous children looking to show their devotion to their dear leader, Barack Obama.

It’s sad that all of these parents were willing to allow such obvious indoctrination of their children to take place. If this was simply about showing their love of country, couldn’t they have just sang “God Bless America”? But no. They put them in an apparent shrine to Barack Obama, slapped Obama t-shirts on them, and forced them to memorize and sing an ode to their dear saviour, complete with harmonies.

Yeah, that’s not creepy. Not at all.

Hat Tips: Michelle Malkin and my colleague Kim Priestap at Wizbang

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  • Just ran across this video on Ace’s blog. That was unnerving, very sick. Honestly it was the adoration of one particular Obama supporter (Prof. Paul Levinson) that totally put me off this guy and things like this. I can only imagine what it would be like if a group of young children had been recorded praising the virtues of Ronald Reagan, there’d be screams of “Hitler Youth.

    Creepy barely touches on how wrong this is!


  • mike says:

    This video is twenty kinds of creepy.

    Obama is turning out to be The Big Let-Down of ’08.
    Obama kept insinuating that He is The Second Coming but every time we’ve held our breaths waiting for him to change water into wine, we’ve been disappointed. Obama kept telling us to ‘tune in next week!’ and he never delivers, the miracle never comes. There is nothing there.
    Obama’s has a problem with clarity. I have systematically studied both his autobiographies and I still don’t know what kind of man I’m dealing with. When he was first showcased on TV, my interest was aroused. I used to find Obama enigmatic, but now he just comes off as vacuous, empty.
    Obama’s two books address the questions of “Journey of Discovery to Where?” and “Who Am I?” We can all relate to such pondering. But Obama does not give us an answer. If he has found the answer since publishing those two books two years ago then he hasn’t told us yet.
    McCain has been on a longer and harder personal journey. There can be nothing more extreme than surviving daily torture for five years. Can you imagine that? To be beaten day-in and day-out, starved, your hands and legs bound by chains? McCain already knows what he can take, and humbly knows where he breaks. Every man and woman has a breaking point. It is very human. McCain already knows his, even though he held out as long as he could.
    What trials or stories of human devastation has Obama endured? I can’t imagine being Black in America is an easy thing. But Obama was raised in Polynesia by white grandparents and then went on to Harvard, community service, the Senate, and now the presidency. Obama’s journey seems to have been very easy. His skin color opened all the right doors for him instead of slamming them shut. Obama didn’t march against segregation. Obama didn’t fight for affirmative action. He planted no tree. He carried no water for that tree. Obama has just come along and picked the fruits. That is easy street. This is not a great American story. This is not a triumph of will over adversity. This is a story of baby-boomer entitlement. This is the story of the yuppy next door. These stories are a dime a dozen on aisle 3 at Whole Foods.
    You may agree or disagree with McCain but at least you know where he stands. He has a long track record to judge him by. McCain has a long list of hits and misses. He has made mistakes (like us all) but that is because he had been trying to do things and change things all his life. Obama markets himself as the candidate with an unblemished record, but that is only because he doesn’t have a record. We have nothing to judge Obama by. All he gives us is his word and we are supposed to put all our trust in his future promises. But these promises keep changing: Obama has produced two contradictory promises on Iraq, two contradictory promises on NAFTA, and two contradictory promises on taxes. Are we supposed to judge him by the original promise he made, or by his most recent one? The candidate who flows with the changing winds of polls is the lightweight. That much we know.
    I feel very embarrassed for buying into the Obama phenomena. Maybe now that the weather is changing I see things in a new light. I feel sheepish for falling for the marketing pitch. Where do I go to get a refund?
    I think that many voters like me are looking for clarity in our next president. I feel I know what kind of man McCain is, and that I can trust him. McCain gets my vote.

  • Obama for Omerica says:






  • sean says:

    “”When an opponent declares, “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say, “Your child belongs to us already.” ~ Adolf Hitler

  • Howard Reed says:

    This is so eerily reminiscent of Hitler Youth and Red Brigade youth. The fall of many Americans from grace is reflected in their little brainwashed automaton progeny whom they are guaranteeing an eternity of unspeakable horror and pain. Talk about a drive by honest to God red white and blue patriots in this country to ‘save the children’, let it start at home.

    I believe it is safe to say that Barrack Hussein Obama is probably the most dangerous presidential candidate this country has had to suffer from the left. Give me the good old days of the Billary threat.

    The Turban Torpedo

  • otcconan says:

    And they wonder why we cling bitterly to our guns…

  • Dave C says:

    McCain is going to bring change..

    He’s gonna change Washington for you..

    Sarah Palin is going to

    Is going to kill a caribou..

    McCain and Palin, is a team the call
    themselves the Mavricks.

    Obama and Biden.. well those
    guys are plain dicks..

    and that is as far as I can go..

    I can’t believe how serious they take themselves doing this..

    I couldn’t after the first line..

  • Bruce says:

    What’s creepy is that the video has been removed!

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