The Gaffemeister has another “whoopsie!”; admits that he likes higher gas prices.

The Gaffemeister has another “whoopsie!”; admits that he likes higher gas prices.

The Gaffemeister has another “whoopsie!”; admits that he likes higher gas prices.

Incredible, isn’t it, that the more gaffes the Obamamessiah makes, the tighter the mainstream media and his rabid supporters cling to him.

The Obamamessiah admitted on national television that he actually likes the idea of higher gas prices, thankyouverymuch, and that the only reason this is presenting a problem for the American people is because they went up so quickly. If they went up gradually, it wouldn’t be a strain on the American pocketbook, and everything would be hunky dory.

Yes, he really said it.

Maybe in the Obamamessiah’s communist paradise, paying $7.00 a gallon could be considered a good thing. The rest of us who aren’t multimillionaires, Ivy-league educated, arugula munching elitists can’t afford that, no matter how slowly you may adjust the prices.

And for those liberal trolls who are going to immediately go into BDS mode after reading this, screaming about the war for oil, and McHitlerBurton, and all the same tired crap that you always spout anytime Iraq, the Middle East, oil, gas prices, global warming, money, or whatever else that gets mentioned that you find some ridiculous way to tie to BushHitler? Before you start sputtering in indignant rage, feeling triumphant that you’ve finally, finally got us KKKonservatives, save your breath. No one cares. You’ve played that card so often that it’s old and tired and worn out. Don’t even bother. I already know that’s exactly what you will do. That’s how stupidly transparent you are. So seriously, don’t even mention it. (Five bucks says that they still will. Just wait.)

Anyways, Mitch McConnell promptly ripped Obama a new one. Watch:

Perhaps, as McConnell points out, this is why Democrats simply refuse to act on these outrageous gas prices. They love it! Dems seem to think that the best way to help out the little people, those cute little blue-collar workers they condescendingly claim to fight for, is to raise taxes on them over and over and over again, while bloating the government with pointless bureaucracy. With oil prices skyrocketing, Democrats are seeing another opportunity to impose even more bureaucracy.

Exit question: what is it with the word “change” being prominently displayed in the background of seemingly every Obama video that I watch? I know that’s his meme and all, but seriously — will that continue even if he’s President? As he’s screwing the country into oblivion, we’ll be reminded over and over again that it’s change, to bring us hope, and that the government is doing all these things for our own good. Maybe seeing those words makes liberals feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but not me. Every time I hear Barack Obama talk about how much he’s going to change this country, I worry a little more.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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  • Morris says:

    “Five bucks says that they still will. Just wait.”

    Sorry, nope, not going to waste my money taking *that* bet.. 😀

  • baz says:

    Are you sure you’re a native speaker of English? Because I don’t think you actually understand what Obama said. Seriously. I don’t think you know why he said those things; I think you have no real idea beyond your paranoia that he’s Marxist or something.

    Set aside your snark and offer some cogent thought on why he said what he said. I’ll bet you can’t.

    The biggest contributor to high gas prices is the weak US dollar driving up crude prices (caused by monetary policy at the Fed), but don’t boo-hoo over capacity. Oil refineries have plenty of money to invest in new capacity, but they choose not to. Why do you think that is?

    And what does that have to do with congressional Democrats?

  • Ima Nonymous says:

    baz, are you serious? Historical refinery utilization is in the mid-80s. Refineries this year have averaged about 87% capacity, which is higher than 2005’s average of about 82% (you know, when Katrina caused all that damage?). So that means gas prices should be 5% lower this year than 2 years ago. Obviously, increasing the capacity of existing refineries will not lower the price of gas. Oil companies cannot “invest in new capacity” because that means building new refineries, which the environmentalists and Congressional Democrats have successfully blocked since 1976.

    The “biggest contributor” to the high cost of gas is not the weak dollar. Taking the dollar’s value into account, the price premium this year over last year of a barrel of oil should be in the $20-30 dollar range. Thus, if you were even remotely correct, a barrel of oil would cost around $90.

    Supply is not the problem either. Go read exactly what the Goldman Sachs report said. The report said that given current supply and demand, there was an equal chance oil could fall to the $40-60 range as rise to the $150-200 range. Of course, the media only focused on the higher figure because that fits with their “blame Bush” mentality.

    Unjust fear of future supply problems is what is driving the cost of oil right now. If Congressional Democrats would allow drilling of proven reserves on federal lands, that would diminish this future fear. And if they had acted 10 years ago, we wouldn’t have the problem now. But of course, they didn’t because it is easier to demonize “Big Oil” and talk about alternative energy than it is to actually do something about it.

    Oh and, it is Congressional Democrats who consistently vote against wind farms in the Great Plains and the coastal regions. It is Congressional Democrats who consistently vote against new nuclear power plants. It is Congressional Democrats who consistently vote against new clean-coal plants, despite the US having more coal reserves than the rest of the world combined. It is Congressional Democrats who consistently vote against new oil wells in the Gulf and off the coasts of Virginia and California. It is Congressional Democrats who will not allow the development of shale recovery technologies in the west, where there is estimated to be almost 1 trillion barrels of recoverable oil, more than the rest of the world combined. And it was Democrat President Carter and Congressional Democrats who passed “windfall profits” taxes once before, which did exactly what the supply-siders said it would do: raise the cost of oil and gas, lead to shortages, and exacerbate an already bad situation.

    So yes, it has everything to do with Congressional Democrats.

  • Jennifer says:

    It has everything to do congressional Democrats.
    He likes higher prices because he wants to create a nanny state. He really believes that he knows far better than you do how your money should be spent. Thats why he wants to raise taxes. He would love for you to believe that it is for your own benefit. And that it hurts him more than it hurts you. Thanks Cassy for calling BS

  • baz says:

    Jennifer sez:
    It has everything to do congressional Democrats.
    He likes higher prices because he wants to create a nanny state. He really believes that he knows far better than you do how your money should be spent. Thats why he wants to raise taxes. He would love for you to believe that it is for your own benefit. And that it hurts him more than it hurts you. Thanks Cassy for calling BS

    Guess again, Jennifer.

    Obama clearly says in this video that the higher gas prices would finally create an incentive to automakers to make more fuel efficient vehicles, which would create more customers for the American auto industry, and therefore revitalize the American manufacturing sector. Get it? It’s about creating jobs. It’s about getting GM and Ford back on top instead of playing catch-up to Toyota.

    No one has explained to me what any of this has to do with Congress.

    And the whole nanny-state and raising taxes thing is so flatly untrue as to be hardly worth rebutting. His tax plan is out there for everyone to read, and that ain’t it. Not by a long shot.

    Get your facts right.

    I think I really underestimated how radical right-wing this blog is. I thought y’all were conservatives like my dad. But this is just insulting both intellectually and personally.

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    Oil refineries have plenty of money to invest in new capacity, but they choose not to. Why do you think that is?

    Because of the paper work, the licensing, the hassel, and ultimately the NIMBY attitude?

  • baz says:

    Because of the paper work, the licensing, the hassel, and ultimately the NIMBY attitude?

    Yeah, because the oil industry has such a difficult time getting what they want in this country. Those poor, poor oil companies with two representatives in the executive branch and their record profits. Such a sad tale. The stuff of Dickens novels. Really.

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