The Gaffemaster does it again: Obama calls Sarah Palin a pig.

The Gaffemaster does it again: Obama calls Sarah Palin a pig.

The Gaffemaster does it again: Obama calls Sarah Palin a pig.

He’s trying to claim he didn’t mean it that way, but please. The wording is way too obvious. Everyone understood exactly what he meant right away.

Here’s the video:


L-L-L-Let’s just list this for a second. John McCain says he’s about change too. Exce… an-an-and so I guess his whole angle is, watch out, George Bush! Except for economic policy, health care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy, and Karl Rove-style politics, we’re really gonna shake things up in Washington! That’s not change. That’s… that’s just calling some… the same thing, something different. But you know, you can… you-you can put, uh, lipstick on a pig. It’s still a pig.

That’s not at all similar to Sarah Palin’s pit bull statement, is it? The whole dramatic pause after the lipstick-on-a-pig statement while everyone applauded enthusiastically was just coincidence. And come on, haven’t you all heard that expression before? It’s as common as the day is long. That’s the Obama camp’s excuse, anyway:

The crowd rose and applauded, some of them no doubt thinking he may have been alluding to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s ad lib during her vice presidential nomination acceptance speech last week, “What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick.”

“You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called ‘change,'” Obama continued, “it’s still gonna stink after eight years.

Obama senior adviser Robert Gibbs insists the senator was not referring to Palin. “That’s an old expression,” Gibbs says.

Now, let’s just suspend reality for a moment and pretend John McCain said that shortly after Michelle Obama said something along the lines of, “What’s the difference between a working mom and a pit bull? Lipstick,”. How soon do you think the RAAAACIST!!!!! howls would start?

In any case, is this the only way he can attack Sarah Palin? By debasing himself with a dirty smear? Of course, this may be because he has no basis of fact upon which to attack her. He can’t name any specifics to back up his point about John McCain, and he can’t name any specific instances of the “change” he will bring. It’s just a cheap insult and the same old talking points. No original thought. Nothing to add to the conversation of any substance. Is that because he lacks substance? Hmm.

It’s one thing for Obama to say, “I disagree with Sarah Palin’s or John McCain’s policy in this specific instance because of ‘X, Y, and Z’.” No one would have a problem with that. But he doesn’t do that. He either doesn’t have specifics to back up his attacks or he doesn’t want people to know exactly the kind of “change” he’ll be bringing. Maybe both. His entire campaign is cloaked with ambiguity and obscurity. All empty rhetoric, no actual plans for the future.

Senator Obama, a five-year-old can point their fingers and call someone they dislike names. It’s time for you to enter the world of big-boy politics. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Hat Tip: My colleague Greg Scott at Stop the ACLU

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  • Gina says:


    It’s one thing when Obama tries to cover up mistakes he’s
    made in private, or when he feebly tries to cover up or misdirect
    us, by saying that he never heard Wright’s anti-American sermons
    over a 20 year period … but, when Obama tells us that the
    Palin lipstick/pig remark wasn’t an insult directed towards
    Governor Palin, then Obama is adding insult to injury towards
    the American people. This creep is not Presidential material.
    P.S. The biased main stream liberal press which is attempting damage control for Obama, also must think the American people are stupid

  • DavidL says:

    BO has never faced an election with a strong challenger before. His previous toughest fight was beating Alan Keyes back to Maryland. Andy McCarthy has it right in the Corner, Obama is a career minor leaguer thrust into the biggest election arena in the World.

    Obama is simply out of his league. May God have mercy on his political soul.

  • Mat says:

    It doesn’t really matter what the left does at this point, because it’ll just bury itself deeper. McCain’s gonna win this by 5-6% (which is considerable in an election).

  • WayneB says:

    I’m sorry, but I’ll have to vehemently disagree with you this time. I am very disappointed by those on the Right who have misinterpreted this clip as Obama calling Palin a pig. He did not. He clearly was starting out with the “McCain represents more of the same” mantra, and applying the old phrase of putting lipstick on a pig to that statement, and not to Sarah Palin.

    Obama has WAYYYY too many other faults to pick on to be manufacturing them like this.

  • Larry Sheldon says:

    If there were just one, I’d say let’s move on.

    But there were two.

    Some of you who have lived sheltered lives may not know that “smels like an old fish” is a street reference to a woman who “needs to freshen up”.

  • William Grasso says:

    So… he’s talking about POLICY. He’s accusing McCain (Accurately, I might add) of presenting his policies as being DIFFERENT than George W Bush’s, when in reality, they AREN’T… And he sums it up with some radical change of subject to jab at Sarah Palin?

    You’ve got a bag full of nothing. The phrase was appropriate, follows from his previous statements, and was clearly NOT a personal attack on Gov. Palin. Your NEED to pervert reality to cover the huge lack sound judgment or integrity in your party is not only sad, it’s tragic.

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