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the case against obama

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the case against obama

here is a well documented, comprehensive guide to the reasons why barack obama is an unacceptable president of the united states.

here’s the summary excerpt:

“Taken individually (the issues dealt with in the essay -ed), most of them would create doubt about the readiness and honesty of any political candidate. Put together as a narrative, we believe this paints the picture of a man who has few real credentials for the office he seeks beyond the Constitutional minimum, and a politician who has succeeded in obfuscating his hard-Left ideology.

Perhaps if Barack Obama had taken more time to build his resumé – especially with executive experience – he might have made a more compelling candidate, and might have demonstrated at least a little of the moderation he has claimed. Instead, Democrats want America to support at once the most radical and least qualified candidate for President in at least a century. They have tried to conceal this with the complicity of a pom-pom-waving national media that has shown much more interest in the political background of a plumber from Ohio than in a major-party candidate for President.

America deserves better than that. Voters deserve the truth from the press, not vague cheers of “hope” and “change” while willfully ignoring or air-brushing Obama’s record. We hope to set that record straight with our essay.”

take the time to read the rest of it. it will help you put into words what you already know about this man for any ‘undecideds’ you may know. link the original article and send it to your friends and family. broadcast it far and wide.

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  • JR says:

    Zoey this is all OLD news. It is also why you republicans are losing this election. You have nothing on Barack Obama and frankly you need to get use to calling him President Obama. And to make matters worse for you, you should begin practising the words “First Lady Michelle Obama”. I know how much that bugs the hell out of you.

    And yes twisting the knife is a lot of fun just to watch you republicans squirm.

  • chi says:

    be careful JR, its not wise to “count your chickens”….bawk bawk

  • lisab says:

    “And yes twisting the knife is a lot of fun just to watch you republicans squirm.”

    a lot of the dem support is driven by revenge …

    and there will be calls for prosecution of the current administration

    and the redistribution of wealth is in large part … payback

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