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the audacity of convenience

the audacity of convenience

ok. so many politicians lie.  and when they do, its usually for convenience sake.  but numbers don’t lie.  a recent rasmussen poll showed a majority of likely voters think the only reason that barack obama finally denounced reverend jeremiah wright was because it was politically convenient.  

well, ya think??
the same poll shows 56 % think that it’s somewhat likely that he shares some of rev. wright’s controversial views about the US.  26% say it’s very likely.

so what’s the point?  barack obama has invalidated his entire campaign.  from day one of his candidacy, he wanted us to think that he was different; that he’s a washington outsider’ that he’s not going to play politics as usual.  “I’m a fresh face that we can trust.”  now it’s quite clear he’s part of the problem, not the solution.

we all know for 20 years, obama sat in rev. wright’s church.  he listened to his sermons.  he had wright perform his marriage ceremony, baptize his kids, bless his home.  obama even appointed this guy as an official spiritual adviser to his campaign, a “sounding board” as he called it.  cough*clangingsymbols*  you’ve heard all of this — i’ve blogged all of this.

it only took you and me a couple of weeks to recognize the racist, angry, anti-american hate speech in all of those sermons that obama sat through — like a sponge? –for 2 decades!  all along, obama kept saying, ”That’s not the guy I know.”

say wut?   

last week, reverend wright went out of his way to prove that he IS the man he’s always been: 20 years ago, last week, and today.  when it was obvious that nobody was really buying into obama’s story anymore, he decided that it was best for him to denounce wright.  it’s simply deception for any of us to still believe that barack obama didn’t know exactly who this guy was the whole time and what he believed.

it’s painful for some of you i know, but barack obama is just a politician, not a messiah.  and politicians have one goal in life:  to get elected.  telling the truth is many times a last resort  — we learned that lesson from the clintons didn’t we? 

and now that we know this, we can finally admit this election really IS about race…  the race for the presidency and doing whatever it takes to stay in it.

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