The 1960s You Say? No, It’s Two 1930s and Right Into the 2020s.

The 1960s You Say? No, It’s Two 1930s and Right Into the 2020s.

The 1960s You Say? No, It’s Two 1930s and Right Into the 2020s.

There is a line in Field of Dreams where Annie Kinsella confronts a local prig at a school board meeting. When Annie talks about “experiencing the 60s”, the movie-version of Mrs. Grundy sniffs that she also experienced the 60s. Annie zings back, “I think you had two ’50s and moved right on into the ’70s!”

But even the 1960s that Field of Dreams paints in colors of love-ins, hippies and “make love not war”, is edited nostalgia. And certainly not at all the deja vu moment to be compared to today’s alarming exercises in naked Jewhate roiling college and university campuses today.

Amid the disruptions at elite universities across the nation, it is tempting to compare the student protests over Gaza to uprisings during the Vietnam War.

Five decades after Columbia, Berkeley and other schools were rocked by student riots, police raids and chants of “Hell No, We Won’t Go,” tent cities and mass “teach-ins” are popping up again on some of the same campuses.

Now as then, quisling administrators are afraid to enforce rules and radical faculty members egg on the bullhorn bullies.

Students who want the education their parents paid for are ignored as classes are either canceled or offered on a remote-only basis.

The author of the above moves on to claim the difference here is motivation — opposing the Vietnam War vs Kill The Jew. However, that “motivation” was no more the primary mover behind the sit-ins, violence and destruction of 1960s rioting than being “Pro-Palestinian” is now. Indeed, it can be argued that the eventual surrender of The Establishment led to what is going on right now. Many of the leaders of the movement were violent Marxists and, after the end of the Vietnam war moved into academic institutions right alongside of the professors who originally joined them. Like Obama’s mentor Bill Ayers, university-professor-cum-1960s-domestic-terrorist.

Yet while senior citizen Leftists are marching alongside of GenZ’s pro-Hamas contingent, the 1960s comparison pales when considering what happened in places like the University of Vienna in 1938.

On April 24 Jewish students were prohibited from entering the university.

The real deja vu, eh?

More than 2,700 mainly Jewish members of the University of Vienna (professors, lecturers, students and administrative employees) were expelled in 1938. It happened quickly and smoothly, based on the same process that had been used in Germany before that, but much faster – in only a few months – and under active participation by the students, officials and professors that were sympathetic to National Socialism.

The same sympathy or weakness we’ve witnessed from Columbia’s president Shafik who, at first, suspended the first students engaged in Jewhating campus encampments. Yet today, all have been reinstated and those arrested? All charges dropped.

Kabuki Theater. Like Frisco’s DA saying she doesn’t have enough evidence to charge the pro-Hamas mob that blocked the Golden Gate Bridge for five hours.

As Ronald Reagan put it during the Berkeley riots of 1967 —

Now social protest advocates Death to America! Death to Israel and, most chillingly, Death to Jews!

Until every participating student, professor and administrator in threats against Jews is expelled and the radical Left gelded, this slouching towards Gomorrah will continue. Jews have long been the West’s canary in the coal mine. Stop excusing those gassing the bird.

featured image, Adobe stock, standard license

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  • Scott says:

    “Until every participating student, professor and administrator in threats against Jews is expelled “… That’s a good start.. then charge them with inciting a riot, trespassing, and whatever else you can… that’s for the americans involved. For those non-citizens, immediately revoke their visas and put them on the next plane back to wherever they came from..

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