Tennessee Drag Ban Law Unconstitutional

Tennessee Drag Ban Law Unconstitutional

Tennessee Drag Ban Law Unconstitutional

This hogwash is getting on my last nerve, y’all. A Trump appointed judge has found that Tennessee’s drag ban law is Unconstitutional. Where to begin. This is like the Florida “Don’t Say Gay” law that does not say “Don’t Say Gay”. There is nothing in the Tennessee law that specifically bans Drag Shows. The law makes a criminal offense of public performances in places where children may see the performances of adult cabaret. Sort of like we have laws banning the sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 21. But why let facts and reality interfere with your ignorant rage. And, that goes for the judge too.

The drag ban law is actually titled the “Adult Entertainment Act”. That would be enough for me because I am not a groomer, but the law is actually quite specific. You can read the bill here. From Bing, here are the relevant words:

Tennessee has enacted a law that criminalizes some drag performances

. The law defines “adult cabaret” as “adult-oriented performances that are harmful to minors” and that “feature topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators, or similar entertainers”

. The law makes it a criminal offense for someone to engage in an “adult cabaret performance” on public property or in a place where children could see the performance

. A first offense would be charged as a misdemeanor, and conviction could result in less than a year in prison, a fine of up to $2,500 or both

. Subsequent offenses would be classified as felonies and could result in prison sentences of up to six years.

Ugh, these people. Drag sure has changed a lot. It used to be Female Impersonators, some who did stars like Liza Minelli in the Featured Image above. It was drag performers who created characters like Aunt Rose below:

These were talented individuals who had an act or a shtick. Often bawdy, and rarely vulgar. These performances were a fun night out for adults. The last decade has done an horrific number on the entertainment industry. There are just untalented and unhappy people who know nothing but sexual antics and grinding. As a theater kid, I always thought drag was different than trans was different than gay. And, most of the people that I knew were very careful what was said and done around the theater kids, because, again, they were not groomers. Most in the LGBT community are not groomers either. Our Lisa wrote a great piece on this several months ago and can be read here.

These nuances and subtleties are lost on the New York Times and those who read it:

Judge Parker’s ruling on Friday came hours before dozens of drag artists and thousands of revelers were expected to celebrate the Memphis Pride Festival and Parade on Saturday.

In his 70-page ruling, the judge said the law “reeks with constitutional maladies of vagueness.” He added that the legislature “carelessly, if not intentionally” enacted the measure “for the inappropriate purpose of chilling constitutionally free speech.”
A spokeswoman for Governor Lee did not immediately respond to a request for comment. But Jack Johnson, the State Senate majority leader and a key sponsor of the legislation, supported appealing the decision.
“Despite the court’s perplexing reading of the law, I am confident — and have always been — that this legislation does nothing to suppress the First Amendment,” he said in a statement.

If the judge and the Left think the law was vague, the lawmakers can go back and make it more specific. The Left doesn’t care about anything but their own pleasure and are not fond of women in any form. Like this:

Groomers and classless. That’s the Left for you. Tennessee Lawmakers, please tighten up the law. This is a battle worth fighting.

Featured Image: Mr TGT/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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1 Comment
  • Cameron says:

    Since the LGBTs can’t breed naturally, they have to recruit. No wonder they fight these laws so hard.

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