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tomorrow is our national tea party — a time for those of us who want to peacefully protest the deliberate bankrupting of our economy, and the imposition of socialist ideas into our country’s policies and programs. the idea of the national tea parties – which take place in over 300 cities small and large across the country – are the quintessence of the tenets of democracy americans have breathed freely for centuries.
so why is the lamestream media basically ignoring them calling them unworthy to cover? and why are liberals mocking, and smearing them?
one such liberal media person is positively apoplectic over the tea parties:
“In reality, their ‘movement’ is incredibly divisive, a mindset that stands in sharp contrast to Obama’s calls for bipartisanship in this time of great national need. Their arguments have the potential to divide the country along titanic lines not seen since the bloody days of the Civil War.
Think I’m exaggerating here? The Tea Party movement is an incredibly dangerous concept, fuelled by the usual gushes of sycophantic support from the conservative news media (here’s looking at you, Fox). Consider a recent poll posted on Sean Hannity’s website, asking his loyal followers if they thought America was ripe for ‘revolution’. Or perhaps you’ve heard some of the vitriolic treasonous crap spewing forth from the mouth of Fox’s resident white-haired lunatic, He Who Shall Go Unnamed. You can tune in to his show practically any day of the week for an (increasingly) thinly veiled call to arms against the President and his evil liberal cronies.”
so there you go. a variety of tactics in an attempt to minimize and railroad the event.
remember that these tea parties are a genuine grassroots movement founded out of a widespread dismay over the out of control borrowing and spending of dc. if you can go to a tea party, you will be in amazing company — no wto protestors, anarchists, or civilization haters. the vast majority there will have never participated in a demonstration in their lives, but have been so insulted and so provoked that they are taking to the streets, organizing loosely and often spontaneously on twitter, facebook, and blogs.
on tax day, the tea parties across the country will be too big for the media to ignore, so don’t stay home or you will feel left out! find one in your area by going here. make a sign and take your camera.
will they have much effect? at the very least, they will give people who have been the silent majority a voice and an opportunity to stand up and say something. and at the risk of sounding like glen beck, they will also see they are not alone, that many others feel exactly like them. it really is just the beginning in taking our country back from the interlopers running it now.
and finally, don’t forget who the inspiration for all of this: the community organizer-in-chief himself! heh.
What’s wrong with you Katy. They will be SMALL. Maybe big to all of you conservatives, but SMALL as far as demonstrations go. You need 100,000 at one party then you will get media attention.
It makes the left nervous, they don’t want any outward signs of citizens who hold a different opinion than they.
The total turnout nationwide as a whole will be interresting. Libs usually congregate in one location for their protests. They’ll pick DC or NYC or SF and meet up. I’ve noticed these Tea Parties are more in number and are taking place in large cities, surrounding suburbs, and small towns which will break up the attendies into smaller groups. The main reason this has happened is because, unlike the left, we conservatives have jobs and responsibilities and can’t take off a week to go to some other locale. But I like it better because in a large crowd of people from all over you can’t really get to know those in your local area with which you wish to organize further.
This is good. Pols in DC need to know there are people out here who are opposed to their foolishness, and The One needs to be sent a message that he’d better get his act together and behave like an American or life will be miserable for him and his followers both politically and otherwise.
The right to protest is exactly that, a right! People are free to express their disagreement with the government whenever they want, that’s the beauty of it all. We watched the protests that occurred during Bush’s term. Did they change anything? No, but they allowed the people a venue to express their displeasure with the government.
I don’t think these protests will change anything either, but I don’t think they will be tiny. The media will do its job in portraying the protests as either small, pointless, or humorous because Ted was right, it does make them nervous.
Unfortunately real journalism is dead in this country, and I think the coverage of these protests will prove that.
As for the protests, though, I say “protest on!” it’s your right as an American. If I wasn’t working, I would be at one myself!
Last week FOX did a survey and found that for every 10 or so spots they gave to the tea parties the rest of the media only gave 2 or some ridiculous number, CNN had only given one.
Those who think that size matters are missing the point in that this is about an issue that has real and serious implications for our immediate futures and our kids futures. Its not about some endangered gerbil or dung beetle.
One thing by itself you mentioned in your post and would be a worthy point for the media to notice is that these ardent going to be your typical protestors.
The media might want to make a story alone out of the fact that these are not going to be your typical rainbow sprayed freaks or pink clowns laying down in the middle of the freeway, soiling themselves or tossing blood at Condi.
They’re going to be mothers and fathers, home and business owners who will actually have some skin in this game and jobs they have to get back to.
I cant imagine I’ll see any tea parties of any great significance here in Hawaii, this place is moonbat central. Besides that most of the cons here are so out of the loop its not even funny. Then again the lead story for the news on weds could be that one guy in front of the capital that was screaming his brains out while dragging around a 200 lb tea bag..
Eh, some moonbat will probably try and smoke it.
What’s wrong with you Katy. They will be SMALL. Maybe big to all of you conservatives, but SMALL as far as demonstrations go. You need 100,000 at one party then you will get media attention.
Typical demo way of thinking, IMO. It’s not a crowd of 100,000 at one event, half or more who are just there to be seen, that makes a difference. It’s the crowd of 120 like my town. It’s the crowd of 10, 50, 250, 1000, etc that are going to make the difference. Why, because these people are tired. Tired of seeing our children and grandchildrens future go up in up in smoke. These are the people that realize in order to pay off this 3 trillion dollar spending spree The One has been on, taxes are going to be raised. These are the people that realize it’s not just the “RICH”(the very people that keep the rest working) who are going to be taxed out of business but it trickles down to middle and lower class. So laugh at our small crowds of 500. But remember this, big things come in small packages.
This is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. We as citizens have the right to stand up and express our concerns. I will be there tomorrow with bells on.
I’ll believe P.BO’s “calls for bipartisanship” when he stops spending my money by the fistful.
…sycophantic support from the conservative media…
Just what do these people think is conservative media? One cable news station – just one. Out of how many???
There is no conservative media. It’s a myth.
Yea well Kris, whats kinda stupid about the guy making that statement is that he ackonowledges only FOX when he says that. By default hes admitting that most of the media is in fact liberal.
We oughta hang on to that statement for everytime some moonbat insists that the media is balanced or not as liberal as we say.
rope are you going to the alamo with glen beck? i will look for you on tv!!! me and baby jack are going to the portland one. i just finished making SIGNS.
>>Kris, in New England said: There is no conservative media. It’s a myth.
Conservatives calling the media liberal was born out observation, the liberals calling the media conservative was born out of reaction to conservatives calling the media liberal. You never heard libs calling the media conservative until several years after conservatives began to rightly refer to the media being liberal. They had to counteract our noting the media was liberal somehow, so naturally they had to redefine conservative vs. liberal into corporate vs. non-corporate. Thus, the term “corporate media” was invented to claim the media was conservative. It was a nice try, but as with most things they do it was only clever by half. The major media outlets have always held corporate charters, but they leaned hard left and pro-Democrat party, and still do.
I don’t think these tea bag parties will have much of an impact at all. People in general don’t listen to polite white people with strollers. Now if they had a bit of drama and flash or they have a hint of anger probably. The pics I have seen are of a bunch of stay at home moms.
No I am not calling for violence. I am saying they are too polite and orderly so they do not seem urgent.
Rope you are in San Antonio? Me too.
Yes Kate, leaving tonite. Got my signs ready too. And my Tshirt that reads: A government that is large enough to supply everything you need is large enough to take everything you have.
Pat Im about an hour and half from San Antone. 🙂
I don’t know about the “it won’t have much of an impact” viewpoint, but you have to start somewhere. Actually, this is somewhat unprecedented because, as a group, conservatives really don’t do protest marches. We protest by directing our money (of which we hold likely 75%+ of the country’s wealth) economically and by voting. The left will form a protest march because they got mustard on their hamburger rather than ketchup, that is, they protest at the drop of a hat, so they have so many it doesn’t really mean anything. So for conservatives to organize to voice their opinion in what is not a traditional fashion for us says something about the poor leadership the citizens of the USA now have that we find it necessary to do something extraordinary.
“I don’t know about the “it won’t have much of an impact” viewpoint, but you have to start somewhere.”
Agreed! I just think that the media, better known as the propaganda wing of the Obama administration, will do its best to marginalize these protests. It’s hard to get the message out when the media is so biased.
Conservatives taking to the streets should be a story by itself regardless of the issue.
Just saw a segment on FOX about Obamas administration being concerned that the economy is driving right wing radicalism. Isnt that kinda like making something out of nothing before anything happens ? If some far right psycho goes off do you think this is the lead in to “We told ya so “?
I got the feeling that by them saying that they’re suggesting that we are somehow more of a threat when were concerned than when the left has a bone to pick about everything under the sun.
Hmmm…. we have one group saying its just going to be a bunch of milquetoast people whos protest wont amount to anything or those saying were gonna go all ballistic.
Watch, theres gonna be some liberal schmuck who goes and blows something up so it looks like we did it. I’ll almost guarantee it
>>micky said: Hmmm…. we have one group saying its just going to be a bunch of milquetoast people whos protest wont amount to anything or those saying were gonna go all ballistic.
Libs do have the ability to hold two completely condradicting ideas at once and they both make sense to them. I’m reminded of all the lib pols sites and blogs I’ve seen making reference to how conservatives, on one hand, are the filthy rich who keep their jackboots on the neck of working class, while at the same time they say that majority conservative (red) states are so poor they must receive the lions share of federal subsidies made up mainly from money from the liberal (blue) states. They need to make up what little minds they have, either we’re the rich or we’re the poor, but we can’t be both.
Yea, one day were “corporate money mongers” and the next were ” white trailer park trash” and then go on to say how much more diverse the left can be than the right.
I like to take advantage of the stereotyping they say they’re never guilty of.
My hair comes almost down past my a$$ and has beads braided into it. I went to the recyclers once wearing my tie dye 60s shirt with some shredded jeans and the guy in front of me, a moonbat no doubt, looked at the massive collection of cans I had and got all green and mushy and said to me ” Wow, brother,I see you’re doing your part for mother earth”. I told him f*ck that sh*t ! I need the money ! I’m saving up for a shot gun.
I would give up a day of my life to have a picture of the look on his face
Oh right.
“micky said: Hmmm…. we have one group saying its just going to be a bunch of milquetoast people whos protest wont amount to anything or those saying were gonna go all ballistic.”
We have discussed in here many times the right-wing fanatics that come out of your party! Look at Eric Rudolph!!! and so forth. They look for events just like this “wholesome” gathering and disrupt it.
Micky you demonstrate your lack of knowledge all the time. Instead of being so quick to bash liberals who come here, thinketh before you speaketh.
BTW. I am going to the tea party in my town which is Las Vegas and I am protesting the protest! Maybe Faux News will interview me.
Gee pennie
So let me get this right.
Because its been discussed here and you keep bringing up Rudolph that makes it true ?
I wasnt really “quick” to come to any conclusions Pennie, I was raised by nut job liberals who made my life and those around me miserable.
What was there to think about before I said it ? Please tell me.
Was it not PC enough ? Was I generalizing libs like you do cons ? What ?
Yea, I’ll go with my original suspicion that you like most libs think that because its been said before it must be true.
If you would really like to talk about those who open their yaps before thinking on an epic scale maybe you should be going after Janet Napolitano for her fear mongering race injecting report she just launched warning of right wing extremist becoming increasingly threatening because the president is black, the vets coming home are gonna be pi$$ed about the illegal immigrants and Obamas going to take our guns and bla bla bla …
Conspicuously enough this all comes out the day before the tea parties when its the first time in a long time anyone can remember that conservatives actually took to the streets.
You guys ARE getting a little nervous, arent you ?
Anyway, I dont see whereth you get offeth saying I’m “lacking in knowledge” when its right hereth on this blogeth we’ve been called lame, impotent, or something to that effect and then you say were all whackos like Napolitano just dideth.
By the wayeth, if we’re such dangerous fanatics maybe you shouldnt goeth to the protest
“We have discussed in here many times the right-wing fanatics that come out of your party! Look at Eric Rudolph!!!”
So I guess Lovelle Mixon, the black muslim who killed 4 Oakland police officers, is an example of left wing hate, right?
“I am going to the tea party in my town which is Las Vegas and I am protesting the protest!”
Priceless. Keep living up to your rep, Pennie.
Kate “tomorrow is our national tea party — a time for those of us who want to peacefully protest ”
Peaceful protest = boring protest. That’s why no one will careand the real effect minimal.
Ken “Lovelle Mixon, the black muslim” He was not a democrat or liberal. He was apolitical and a thugish criminal who identified himself as a black muslim but it was used as a scare & intimidation tactic by his black racist murdering gang. I can’t find it now, but I read a very good expose on him by the SF Chronicle. I will keep looking and post the url.
Micky “Because its been discussed here and you keep bringing up Rudolph that makes it true ?”
Well it hardly makes it true when you say something either. I have never heard anywhere on any other blog anyone who is a blowhard like you. You win the prize. You take the cake. You win. Now stop sucking all the air out of the blog!
I saw these on ‘another’ site. I don’t think they’re particularly funny except the last one but in honor of your big coming out protest party tomorrow:
Why did the teabagger fail his humanities test?
Because he took it.
How many teabaggers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
36. One to screw in the lighbulb, and 35 to protest the
Obama Administration’s policy on creating darkness.
Why did the teabagger cross the road?
Because Fox News told them to.
“Well it hardly makes it true when you say something either. ”
So you admit that your comment was useless ? I can back up my assertions and claims with facts, you have never done this but instead expect people to just take your word as gospel.
“I have never heard anywhere on any other blog anyone who is a blowhard like you.”
Right, exposing the obvious in two sentences is being a blowhard ?
” You win the prize. You take the cake. You win. Now stop sucking all the air out of the blog!”
Last I checked it wasnt your blog.
Here Penny, like I said, when I make a point I drive it home instead of just kicking and stomping insisting its true. I got a little tired of you always bringing up Ruby Ridge, Rudolph, Waco and whatever mainstream news the left feeds on so I thought I’d make a short list for you showing just how fanatic you guys can be.
And by the way, maybe you shouldn’t use Timothy McVeigh as an example anymore because it was the dems killing all those people at Waco that peed him off
We’ll start with that leftist lunatic the “Unibomber”, you guys shot at GOP headquarters, one of you tried to run over Katherine Harris, tore your own cities apart when you didn’t get your way (many times), you encourage violence against police,destroyed animal research laboratories, eco terrorists have burned complete neighborhoods, cut live babies out of their mothers, you president was partnered with Ayers and radical Muslim professors, John Wilkes Booth, (isn’t today the day ?) Charles Manson,
And if you’d really like to get in to it I could bring up that millions that have dies at the hands of murderous leftists dictators.
Here, if you’d like to see just what the lefts ideology has done to this world check it out. And after you educate yourself a little more please don’t run off this crap anymore that we on the right are the fanatics.
Nothing compares to what your party’s beliefs have done to this world.
“Radical leftists would like you to believe that they stand for democracy, progress, human rights and social justice. But wherever they seize power, they impose slavery, terror, famine, concentration camps and mass murder. As the Marxists used to say, this is no accident. “
So they preach against violence but then say a peaceful protest is a boring protest. Which would imply a violent protest is a successful protest, but that would mean they were preaching against peace.
One does wish the libs would decide if they like peace or violence. I guess it depends on what political party the person in office is in rather than the policies they impliment. At least the libs are consistently in favor of freedom and liberty when it only applies to them.
Well I am not very good at going to these kinds of things but my bride told me tonite we are most definately going to ours here in St. Louis. So I guess I am going. She also presented me with my sign “Socialism: Epic Fail.”
Nothing much more to say.
I like: “Socialism=trickle up poverty”
Why did God create Democrats?
In order to make used car salesmen look good.
How many Democrats does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Just one, but it really gets screwed.
What’s the difference between a Democrat and a catfish?
One is an ugly, scum sucking bottom-feeder and the other is a fish
Jared once again you have nothing to really say on the subject so I guess we can both post one-liners back and forth.
“when I make a point I drive it home”
Micky your arrogance is nauseating. You declare yourself right over everyone else. Do you actually think that’s how you influence anyone? Wrong. Beating people over the head only got them sore heads. Well continue on, that’s fine be right. I, like several others here, have now stopped reading your drool.
“Last I checked it wasnt your blog.”
And it’s not yours. What gives you special priviledges to run everyone off who disagrees here? Your pissing match with Kevin every day got him banned. You both should have been banned. Asia left because you were harrassing her. I even saw a couple of the conservatives in here defending her to you. Who’s the next target me or Jared? Maybe Pat or even Jane? Dade?
Last I heard “comments from dissenters are still welcome here” and until they aren’t you and yours mean nothing to me. Hopefully that sounds familiar to you because you guys have been throwing that down our throats for months now since President Obama took office.
“Micky your arrogance is nauseating. You declare yourself right over everyone else. ”
Obviously you dont know the difference between making a point and a declaration. Show me where I have the authority to declare anything ?
“Do you actually think that’s how you influence anyone?”
Yes, when you make a point or an assertion/accusation you should be able to at least back it up with something reputable besides just an opinion.
” Wrong. Beating people over the head only got them sore heads.”
Hmm…, knowledge is considered being beaten over the head ?
” Well continue on, that’s fine be right. I, like several others here, have now stopped reading your drool.”
yes, I understand you’d just ike to say what you want without going contested, its the liberal way.
“And it’s not yours. What gives you special priviledges to run everyone off who disagrees here?”
I’m not the one who barked any commands, it was you.
“Now stop sucking all the air out of the blog!”
Its your choice if you cant handle what I say. No one is “running” you off of anything, are they ?
“Your pissing match with Kevin every day got him banned. You both should have been banned. Asia left because you were harrassing her. I even saw a couple of the conservatives in here defending her to you. Who’s the next target me or Jared? Maybe Pat or even Jane? Dade? ”
You guys choose to do what it takes to get banned or run away with your tail between your legs.
I’m not as powerful as you’d like to think I am.
Tagets ? Because I present facts and ask questions ?
“Last I heard “comments from dissenters are still welcome here” and until they aren’t you and yours mean nothing to me”
Then dont reply to me if thats so true.
Its like this.
You can call conservatives radicals and give names of those whove commited horrible acts but when I present the same case against leftists I’m a bully whos running people of the blog, arrogant, shoving things down your throat, nauseating, beating people over the head, perpetuating drool, harrasing people, and targeting people ?
I’ll say this as nicely as I can.
You are making things up and you lost the argument by insisting on your word alone that we are as radical as you paint us to be.
If you feel that way that just great, but like you said; “Do you actually think that’s how you influence anyone?
Try giving an example that comes from a reliable source and you’ll be taken seriously
Whats the difference between a liberal and a democrat ?
If democrat steals something from you he’ll deny it.
If a liberal steals something from you, he’ll help you look for it.
“Show me where I have the authority to declare anything ?”
Thanks for making my point perfectly. You DON’T. Your arrogance that we are nothing and our opinions worthless no matter what we say and every other sentence a personal slam like moron or A$$hole is NOT debate on your part either though you whine incessantly that you are not getting the debates in here you want.
Now step away you small angry nasty little man and do not address me again and I will do the same.
The teabagger parties are just faux populism. They are an epic fail and we’ll laugh.
Grow up, son. The Tea Parties don’t have anything to do with populism but has everything to do with an administration who disregards the foundations of what made this country great, which is individual liberty based in moral standards. In fact, if anyone should be joining the parties, it should be the left based upon their claims of run-away gov’t in the past 8 years. But as typical, their outrage was all lies since we now see it’s all OK when their side does the exact same things they’ve been complaining about.
“Thanks for making my point perfectly. You DON’T.”
You wish I made your point at all. Once again you made an accusation you cant prove which is proven by you not being able to answer the question.
I did not make any statement telling you what to do or not to do on this blog as you did with me.
“Your arrogance that we are nothing and our opinions worthless no matter what we say and every other sentence a personal slam like moron or A$$hole is NOT debate on your part either though you whine incessantly that you are not getting the debates in here you want. ”
You still dont understand that opinons are worthless in trying to prove anything, I never said they were worthless and I used your own words to make that point in that there is no way you can convince someone you’re right if its only your perspective you are offering as proof.
So far on this thread I have not called you one name or made any reference to your persona yet I’ve already lost count of all the names and labels you addressed me by..
Seems to me the only way you can elevate yourself in any duscussion is to make false arguments bsaed on nothing but opinion and scenarios that didnt even happen.
Bottom line is this.
You have not proven to me or anyone that just because you discussed a few right wing fanatics here once before that it makes it a fact that the right is responsible for the majority of fanaticism in this country.
You offered no examples in history, no documentation, no credible reference to back up your claim.
I on the other hand did supply you with a list to counter your claims using Eric Rudolph and other right wing nuts and also a hsitorical reference that goes back centuries describing radicalism on the left and how its ideology is responsible for many millions more deaths than the right ever has.
In short.
You loose unless you can prove to me that the right has proven to of killed more due to radicalism than the left.
“Now step away you small angry nasty little man and do not address me again and I will do the same.”
There you go with the names again.
No, I will not step away and I will address you any damn time I please.
The only choice you have in this matter is to either ignore me or leave which I have no control over, but you do.
There are plenty of blogs where there are participants that address me constantly who I ignore. I decide if what they say deserves a response or a rebutal, not them, the same goes for you.
Thats how it works baby.
This is from
Tempest in a Teapot
Not only do I get to use one of my favorite phrases, I got to use it as the title of this entry! I’m feeling quite pleased with myself.
Yeah, today is the big day for the “tea parties” that Fox News has been promoting. I haven’t seen anything about it yet on CNN, and I even turned it to Fox briefly (as much as it pained me) and there’s nothing there yet, either. [Update: I’m starting to see a few things now.] I really don’t know how big this is going to be, but I suspect it’s not going to be the kind of mass populist revolt–the people speak!–that Fox envisioned. I won’t be making any teabagging jokes, either, because I’ve already gotten my jollies with that, thanks to MSNBC. I couldn’t resist the picture, though! And those poor Iowans…the state won’t allow them to dump tea into any bodies of water because it is considered a discoloration and pollutant. So they have to put river water or dechlorinated tap water into buckets labeled “tea,” and dump that into the river. Kind of takes the “oomph” out if it, doesn’t it?
The problem I have with the whole thing is that it really doesn’t make much sense, not when you stop and think about it. Protesting “high taxes?” We’ve got nothing on other countries. Out of 30 developed countries that are part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a think tank based in Paris, only Iceland and Ireland have lower tax rates than the U.S. (for those who are married with two kids). Our taxes go to maintain roads and bridges, fund education, unemployment, Medicare, and so on. I’m kinda cool with that, you know? And I’m also cool with those who are at the top of the earning bracket paying a slightly higher percentage in taxes. It’s a question of proportion. If you’re making $3 million a year, you can afford to pay a higher percentage than someone making $30,000 per year. That doesn’t mean that you haven’t worked hard to get where you’re at, but jeez, have some compassion for the little guy who doesn’t have your same earning potential.
And as for those higher taxes, President Obama’s plan gives 95% of Americans a tax cut . A CUT. Those making $250,000 or more per year will experience a slight increase…a taxation rate that happens to be about 10% less than what it was during most of the Reagan administration. Hm. I wonder how many of these protesters will get a tax cut versus getting a tax increase? They’re protesting rich people having to give up a little more of their money, while they get to keep a little more of theirs in their own pockets? It doesn’t make much sense to me.
In a story about these protests in our local paper this morning, a commenter wrote that he had joined one of these groups briefly, because he hoped their concerns and efforts were legitimate. He was disturbed by the tone, and said that it seemed to be very anti-Obama and anti-Democrat in general. Apparently one of the slogans that was suggested (and may be in use, although I haven’t heard it) was “It took over 200 years to build this nation and just 3 months to tear it down!” Trying to place the current economic woes–years in the making–upon President Obama’s shoulders is ridiculous. I suspect that many of these protesters are protesting our current President, and not so much the taxation part.
I believe that he is doing his best to pull our economy out of the dismal state in which it was left when he took office. Not everyone agrees with his tactics; I wouldn’t expect everyone to agree. However, it seems that the majority of citizens express optimism in his efforts, and believe that we’re on the right track. There will still be problems, including more jobs lost, in the coming months, but things do seem to be looking up.
Finally (and then I shall step down one level on my multi-tiered soapbox), let me talk about this “Obama is a socialist” mantra that I keep hearing. I put it to you that taxation is in itself a form of socialism. It is collecting money from the populace and redistributing it to various programs that are run by the government (as mentioned above, education, infrastructure maintenance, unemployment benefits, etc.). So anyone who pays taxes is participating in a socialist activity. Joe McCarthy is rolling in his grave.
>>pattieboyd said: Blah, blah, blah….
You said nothing. or rather the blogger you C&P’d. S/he completely missed the point, the foundation of their “argument” was built upon false premises, and so naturally they reached the wrong conclusions.
However, this phrase sums it all up:
“I won’t be making any teabagging jokes, either, because I’ve already gotten my jollies with that, thanks to MSNBC. I couldn’t resist the picture, though!”
That some word could carry a double-innuendo, one of which is sexual in nature, and should a group of teenages started giggling about it, that would be one thing. But for those who wishes to be seen as an adult to “get your jollies” over something as immature as that, tells me all I need to know about taking into consideration the viewpoint of that individual.
What Pattie and so many others are missing is that its not the level of taxation that most of us are pi$$ed about, its where its going.
So that whole paragraph on how much higher taxation is in other countries can be sh*t canned.
Secondly, if we did do that argument you would need to put things in perspective by applying the relative standards we live by and how additional taxation to European levels would put things completely out of balance.
” I put it to you that taxation is in itself a form of socialism. It is collecting money from the populace and redistributing it to various programs that are run by the government (as mentioned above, education, infrastructure maintenance, unemployment benefits, etc.). So anyone who pays taxes is participating in a socialist activity.”
And then theres this argument that always seems to forget what I mentioned above, and that is where the money is going.
The socialism we reject is that socialism that gives the money to lazy slobbola individuals and not what it takes to maintain our infrastructure.
So there you go Pattie, Obamas a socialist when he takes that money and goes beyond the designated uses its always had and starts supporting someone elses individual lifestyle with it and creating whole new programs that a class of people will depend on while he selectively designates what is a luxury and what is not depending on what revenues are needed or what incomes he has deemed as being over compensating and worthy of 99% taxation.
got it ?
“its not the level of taxation that most of us are pi$$ed about, its where its going.”
Micky speak for yourself. I am being taxed at a ridiculous level. A basic belief of conservatism is the right to keep what we make ie less taxation, smaller government.
>>”I put it to you that taxation is in itself a form of socialism. It is collecting money from the populace and redistributing it to various programs that are run by the government (as mentioned above, education, infrastructure maintenance, unemployment benefits, etc.). So anyone who pays taxes is participating in a socialist activity.”
That’s such a worthless premise as to be embarrassing. Are they to tell me that because Rome collected taxes and used the money to build roads or to have a military they were socialist? How silly.
What makes it socialism is this case is that the gov’t wishes to take money from individuals for things outside what is mandated by the Constitution. I can find “common defense,” I can find “provide for the general welfare,” and I can look up the various writs by the founding fathers as to what they meant when they used those words. What I can’t find is authorization in the Constitution to do all these social programs that libs want to do and all these special rights they wish to grant to certain groups/individuals. That’s because they aren’t there.
Dan, relax, my reference was to the liberals who think were only pi$$ed about paying additional taxes
This is true when you look back at cons like you and I who are not only pi$$ed about the level, but where its going. My apologies, I should of said ‘Its not “just the level’.
I’ve owned my own business (refinishing old Harley parts and customizing new ones) and know what the basic beliefs of conservatism are, and socialism is not one of them.
The basic belief of conservatism is held in ” individualism ” where one man is self sustaining and maintains that individuality without an overbearing government attaching to his private property ie his money. “There is no collective without the individual” is the answer to those who espouse the majority as the rule. The taxation Obama is putting on that small percentage of Americans like you who in that bracket that probably pay into the 95% that actually makes this country run is not only going to increase, its going to anything and everything but will not help you to recoup the revenues you supply them with. I can almost bet my life it will not go to enhance the viability of whetever line of commerce you’re in.
We are not being taxed as individuals but rather as a collective to support a whole arena of thought that believes ours is theirs.
I dont have to speak for myself, I can speak for most of us very confidently, tell me most of us dont want to be paying our neighbors mortgage ? its common general knowledge among the masses that we dont want to be paying other peoples bills.
My point was that all we hear from the left is that were b*tching about having to pay “MORE” taxes. This is anything but a complete truth. Its deceptive by omission and convenient for them if they can always leave out the other and just as important part of our argument that is against socialism.
Its the socialist ideals Obama is putting in place that will cause “YOUR TAXES” to be raised even more. So please try to understand why I want the wealth re-distribution factor, the head of the snake, addressed more than just the level of taxation itself.
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