Talentless bimbo butchers “America the Beautiful”

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Talentless bimbo butchers “America the Beautiful”

Talentless bimbo butchers “America the Beautiful”

If the only thing you can come up with to make a name for yourself is to play a kazoo using your hoo-hoo, well… that’s pretty pathetic. And when you’re using that “talent” to play “America the Beautiful”, well, I can’t help but think that it’s an intentional mockery, and disgusting to boot. I mean, I doubt playing a patriotic song honoring America with a kazoo in your crotch was meant to be respectful, but I guess I could be wrong.

Question: how does one discover this ability, anyways? Is there just a lot of practice required, or is it a gift from God?

You know… I’m going to just stop. This is completely ridiculous, but here you go, enjoy.

Hat Tip: House of Eratosthenes

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1 Comment
  • Toa says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how “Progressive” audiences seem to perpetually laugh hysterically at somebody doing or saying coarse, lewd things in a public place…and the more public the place, the more hysterical they think it is (“Heeheehee- she dropped her panties right there on stage!!!!”). Only a stupid, childish- and probably imbalanced- personality would be impressed this “performance”.

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