Take your best shot, Comrade Markos. Obama the Socialist approves.

Take your best shot, Comrade Markos. Obama the Socialist approves.

Comrade Markos, founder of the sludgefest DailyKos, is telling his followers that it isn’t enough to merely defeat McCain and Republicans this election cycle. No, he’s saying that conservatives must be CRUSHED!

I’ve been making the case the last couple of weeks that we can’t just focus on winning in November, but that we have an imperative to take advantage of a historic opportunity to break the conservative movement’s backs and crush their spirits. In the White House, that means getting Obama a broad popular and geographic mandate for change. In the House, that means annihilating the Republican caucus and working toward a 100-seat Democratic majority. In the Senate it means getting to a 60-seat filibuster proof majority.

Republicans will claim that McCain wasn’t one of them, hence rationalizing away their loss. But if we decimate their ranks, including their conservative icons, it’ll make it harder for them to justify their spin. Remember, we want them broken, their ranks thinned, their treasury in heavy debt, their morale in the gutter, void of any leadership, discredited in the eyes of the public.

Hence our need this year to take advantage of this perfect Democratic storm to not just win, but to utterly wipe the board clear of as many Republicans as we can catch in this wave. …

There is a sudden realization on the right that they are on the precipice of losing not just their majorities, but some of their most cherished voices. We have been blessed with an opportunity to help that process along.

They’re already expecting to lose. You want to see them truly crushed, you need to help (among so many others) Lord and Brown win their races.

Leave everything on the road.

Yes, my little liberal comrades… forget your integrity and principles. The real goal here is not just to elect those whose policies and principles are closest to yours, but to annihilate the “enemy” by any means necessary. And because Comrade Markos is one of the biggest voices on the left right now, they’ll do it. Just like zombies, the libs will do what they are told without stopping for a minute to think about it for themselves.

The funny thing is, conservativism can’t be crushed. Neither can liberalism. One ideology might dominate for a while, but the other must always exist.

And what Comrade Markos seems incapable of understanding is that four years of an ultra-liberal Congress and an ultra-liberal President will only work to move voters further to the right. People just want change every few years; it’s why it’s often hard for the same party to win the Presidency three terms in a row. After eight years, people are ready for something new. Politics is a cyclical game. And after four years of skyrocketing taxes, a lack of energy resources, and the economy in the shitter (basically, four more years of Jimmy Carter), liberals will find themselves at an impasse.

See, they’ll have been able to accomplish everything they want to accomplish if Obama wins. We’ll have a filibuster-proof Congress and an ultra-liberal, socialist President. And when everything crashes and the people are angry, the blame will be on their shoulders. There can be no more pointing fingers, no more blaming Bush — they’ll actually have to take responsibility for their bad policies. And after four years of socialism, the people will be clamoring for a conservative leader. Enter Sarah Palin, 2012. There’s a reason, after all, that people say that it took Jimmy Carter to give us Ronald Reagan. I don’t necessarily agree with that sentiment, but after four years of ultra-liberalism, conservatives will come back in force. This is the biggest problem with liberals like Comrade Markos: they cannot look to the future. They don’t think long-term. They don’t understand that, short of a dictatorship, they cannot enforce all of their socialist agendas and not have anyone ever push back. People will push back. They always do.

That said, Americans in general are moderate conservatives anyway. They may disagree on the methodology of some things, but by and large the majority of Americans believe in strong national security, free markets and capitalism, family values, and love of country. Most Americans are not people who are eager to bow to the UN on national security issues, they don’t like socialism or big government, and they certainly don’t hate their country. So while yes, some Republicans will lose their seats in Congress this November, it by no means will crush the conservative movement, nor is that possible.

Of course, Comrade Markos is also assuming that liberals are, by definition, tougher than conservatives. That is quite possibly the most hilarious part of this post. Since when are liberals anything other than whiny five-year-olds in a grown-up’s body? Wimpy doesn’t even begin to describe it!

Finally, to sum it up, a relevant quote. I’m sure you’ve seen it many times, but it bears repeating:

“Conservatives consider liberals well-intentioned, but misguided. Liberals consider conservatives not only wrong, but really, really bad people.” — Larry Elder

Hat Tip: Say Anything

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  • DirtCrashr says:

    Integrity and Principle has only ever been important to Conservatives because to a Liberal they are all things hinge on fungibles, relative merits, conditions, and nuance – their mainstay has always been “by any means necessary.” And Liberals are only tough in masses, as a crowd or in group where/when they can bravely yell-down old ladies and defenseless children, and drown-out opposition voices with roaring chants – Fascism is the manifest expression when Liberals gather.

  • Adeodatus says:

    “And after four years of socialism, the people will be clamoring for a conservative leader. Enter Sarah Palin, 2012. There’s a reason, after all, that people say that it took Jimmy Carter to give us Ronald Reagan.”

    Cassy, I couldn’t agree more. I suggested on my site that a party has to purge itself of some of its presidents (Johnson, Nixon, Carter, etc.) and once that happens, a governor comes to the forefront as that party’s next president. Here’s the link to the post – [url=http://endofempire.blogspot.com/2008/10/presidential-politics-and-purging-past.html]Purging Past Presidents[/url]

    I’ve also got a poll on the left side to vote on the best Republican Governor for 2012 or 2016.

    On November 5, we’ll have to start building for the future.

  • Raven says:

    Hmm remind me again how we (Conservatives) are the hateful and intolerant ones? I am currently reading a wonderful book called A Brief History of the Modern American Conservative Movement by Lee Edwards(I highly recommend it). Its one of a series of books presented by the Heritage Foundation. A very telling and timely quote is this from a literary critic named Lionel Trilling is an introduction of a book.

    “liberalism is not only the dominant but even the sole intellectual tradition” and that conservative impulse was made up at best “irritable mental gestures which seems to resemble ideas.”

    Seems to fit today, even though it was written in 1950.

  • Cylar says:

    Raven…just goes to show how little things have changed in 2 generations. The forces of freedom and socialism will always be at war with one another.

  • sean says:

    Spot on and well said Cassy. They can’t suppress our thoughts and beliefs and from them we keep the vision of “America as a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere”-Reagan..alive.

  • Jibreel Riley says:

    Markos seems like one of those dudes that gets Pwhiped in relationship.

  • Instinct says:

    Well, I’ll just cling to my guns and religion for four years if the Obamination wins and then, once he has pulled a Jimmy Carter with the country, I’ll help vote Palin in as the first female president.

  • NB says:

    Oh Cassy, there you go again engaging in a mental battle with an unarmed opponent. Your observation of the left’s inability to think in the long term is spot on. In fact I don’t know if they can think 5 minutes ahead of the moment they’re in (gross generalization yes but in most cases true). I would argue however that after a democratically controlled house, senate and presidency (God forbid that happens) drives this country into the ground as it invariably must, they still won’t be left with “no one but themselves to blame”. I mean look at the mortgage crisis largely rooted in Carter and Clinton policy decisions. They still blame Bush. Likely they’ll fall back on the old “Bush made it so bad, even we couldn’t fix it in just four years”. So sad.

    As an aside, I do think it’s funny that the side that wants to disarm the population thinks if it came down to it, they’re tougher then then side that “clings” to their guns. Hope that works out for ’em. HA!

    Palin/Jindal 2012. Whether McCain wins or not.

  • MarkS says:

    Markos’s statement recalls Rush Limbaugh’s 2000 cry to “salt the fields of liberalism.” I agree with Cassy that after four years of what may come to be known as Carter’s second term, the stage will be set for a Republican, if not conservative, contender – the term “it’s ours to lose” comes to mind and that’s where I get worried.

    Bob Parks would like to see Sarah Palin as RNC chairman; I think that would be what’s needed for the 2010 midterms to recover some congressional seats. I am so tired of the Republican party’s default behavior of “campaign nicely, lose honorably.” I think Palin would be the fix for that.

  • docjim505 says:

    I’m a cynic and a pessimist, so take the following with a grain of salt if you will:

    I fear a perpetual liberal / socialist government. The libs have been testing the waters, finding the limits of their strength. They already have the MSM sewed up: it can be relied on pretty well to bury or at least downplay anything bad about the dems while making certain that even ugly rumours about Republicans get the fullest possible coverage. In effect, most news coverage is liberal / democrat agitprop. I expect this to get worse.

    The libs have also found that they can cheat on a national scale. ACORN and similar groups, with the connivance of democrat (spit) hacks like Jennifer Brunner in OH, are stuffing ballot boxes in key states.

    Here’s how I see it playing out:

    1. The libs will bring back the Fairness Doctrine to stifle whatever media (especially talk radio) that opposes them. It won’t take them long to get around to blogs and the internet.

    2. The libs will push through the so-called Employee Freedom of Choice Act to unionize large sectors of our workforce, making it legal to take chunks of workers’ pay in the form of dues, which will then be funneled to the democrat (spit) party, giving them increasingly large pools of cash to fund campaigns at all levels as well as a cadre of union thugs to see to it that elections are run “properly”.

    3. ACORN, free from fear that an Obama DoJ or a democrat (spit) Congress will seriously investigate even the most brazen cases of vote fraud, will expand its operations, stuffing ballot boxes in more and more races in more and more states, counties and cities. This will become self-perpetuating: once ACORN ensures that secretaries of state and local commissioners of elections are friendly to it, they will have a free hand to elect just about anybody they please. Yes, people might suspect that fraud has occured, but will have no way to prove it or even contest it.

    4. SCOTUS will become decisively liberal and activist, as will an increasing number of district courts, appellate courts, state supreme courts, etc.

    5. An increasingly large welfare state will ensure that more and more Americans are reliant – or think they are reliant – on the government. They will vote for the party that promises to let them keep their benefits and even expand them. Hint: that party’s name starts with a (d).

    6. Children will be increasingly indoctrinated with liberal ideas by the public schools. I look for the NEA and other lib “education” groups to successfully push for the elimination of home schooling and private schools not “approved” by them.

    If it sounds like I’m predicting a totalitarian America… I am. Oh, I don’t say that it will be totalitarian like nazi Germany or the USSR, but it will be effectively a one-party country, and woe to those who actively oppose that one party. In the name of fairness and THE CHILDREN, they will be dealt with.

  • DirtCrashr says:

    If you want to see what totalitarian America and One-Party Rule looks like right now, look over here in California. Gerrymandered “voting” districts insure that the politicians in power stay in power, and have no need to listen to their constituents but take orders from: The Central Committee. They don’t even try to hide it, that’s what it’s called. And every crazy-brained half-assed idea is pushed forward by the Apparatchiks in our Sacramento Politburo, towards funding with non-existent money using a pretend budget, while new and ever restrictive laws are passed covering everything from how to raise a chicken to the gradual abolishment of hunting.

  • Lizzy says:

    I think we’d better write quickly before the internet is censored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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