It’s Independence Day, when Americans revel in flags, fireworks, family, and that swelling pride you get from being an American. We honor our nation’s Founders, and think of those who sacrificed for our liberty, as Deanna reminded us in her post from Pearl Harbor.
Then there are celebrities for whom the holiday is just another day for grandiose self-promotion.
No holiday can go unsullied without the presence of whore-mongering’s reigning Queen, Kim Kardashian. This year she upgraded her “Kimojis” with a ‘patriotic’ theme. For the low, low price of .99 for an upgrade (in addition to the original app price of 1.99) you can celebrate Independence Day the Kim Way!

You can also enjoy these animated and NSFW Kimojis. Kim Kardashian and simulated oral sex with popsicles and hot dogs — it doesn’t get much more American than that!

But perhaps the title of Most Shameless Self-Promoter on Independence Day, 2016, goes to Zack Hample.
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