The story is simultaneously horrifying and enraging.
A 10-year-old boy was raped in a swimming pool cubicle in Vienna, Austria, by an Iraqi immigrant. The boy, sobbing profusely, immediately reported the brutal attack to a lifeguard, who called for an ambulance. The boy had to be hospitalized for his injuries.

The Iraqi man, a 20-year-old taxi driver who had entered the country in September, was quickly arrested. He was happily jumping off the diving board at the time.
His reason? He told authorities during interrogation that his actions were due to a “sexual emergency,” since he hadn’t had sex in four months. His wife was still in Iraq, and he was suffering from “excess sexual energy.” He admitted he knew it was wrong, but said he couldn’t help himself. He didn’t mean to “scar the boy.”
Tell the boy and his family that.
What’s even more infuriating is that the attack occurred on December 2, over two months ago, and just now has been reported by European media. However, reports began to emerge on Facebook, with Austrian police insisting that they must be ‘sensitive’ about crimes involving immigrants.
And while European police and the media have worked to conceal crime committed by the invasion of Middle Eastern immigrants, European citizens are growing in their distrust of both. Support for far-right political parties in Sweden and Germany have sharply increased. The German newspaper Welt am Sonntag reported that 60% of Germans now believe that the number of refugees in that nation is too high.
Now, perhaps European media are gradually becoming more forthcoming about immigrant crime, largely in response to the massive sexual assaults that occurred in Cologne, Germany, on New Years Eve. The German newspaper Dresdner Morgen has now reported that every fifth prison inmate in the state of Saxony is a foreigner. The weekly Die Zeit wrote, “those who are in favor of refugees must also face the problems refugees bring. Therefore we also have to talk about Arab sexism.” And a leading Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet published an editorial which read, “There seems to have been some self-examination among Swedish journalists, and there has been more reporting about problems connected to the refugee crisis. Even though most newspapers are good at deflecting the blame, some of the criticism has gotten through.”
The media are supposed to be the watchdogs of free nations. In Europe those watchdogs have been tethered on short leashes controlled by politicians, police and their own political bias. It’s about time they broke free to report on what is really going on in Europe.
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