Multiple reports are coming in from Iraq that an American journalist, James Wright Foley, has been executed by ISIS. Foley has been missing since 2012, when he disappeared in Syria. Politico’s Blake Hounshell was the first to break the news on Twitter:
Yikes: ISIS claims to have executed American freelance journalist James Foley; threatening to kill Steven Sotloff next.
— Blake Hounshell (@blakehounshell) August 19, 2014
NBC claims to have obtained video of Foley’s execution.
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) claims to have beheaded an American photojournalist and has threatened the life of another American journalist if President Obama doesn’t stop airstrikes in Iraq.
A graphic video obtained by NBC News purportedly shows James Wright Foley, a freelance reporter for the U.S.-based news service GlobalPost who was kidnapped while reporting from Syria two years ago, reciting threats against America before he is executed by an ISIS militant.
Foley was kidnapped at gunpoint near the town of Taftanaz in northern Syria on Thanksgiving Day in 2012. He had not been heard from during his time in captivity. “We’ve heard nothing. Nothing. We last knew that he was abducted on Thanksgiving Day in the Idlib province, but we don’t know who took him or why,” Foley’s father, John, said on TODAY last year.
… In the video, ISIS claims they are holding a second journalist, Steven Joel Soltoff. A man on the video is identified as Soltoff and his life is threatened if the United States does not pull out of Iraq.
The video was briefly posted on Youtube before being removed for violating Youtube’s policy on violence. Photos are circulating nonetheless:
Evil straight from the pits of hell.
— el Sooper (@SooperMexican) August 19, 2014
Foley was reportedly forced to speak out against America before he was killed.
[I]n the video, entitled “Letter to America,” ISIS terrorists force him to read a letter urging Americans to rise up against his “real killer, the U.S. government.” In addition, Foley says the U.S. airstrikes against ISIS “hammered the final nail into [his] coffin.”
ISIS announced on Tuesday that Foley would be executed as a message to Obama. They are threatening to behead another American journalist, Steven Sotloff, next. Foley was 40 years old.
President Obama, meanwhile, is preparing to head back to Martha’s Vineyard tonight to resume his vacation after taking a two day break to come back to Washington, D.C. ISIS is currently threatening to attack Americans on American soil, saying they “will drown you all in blood”.

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