Counter Programming: Trump And The UAW

Counter Programming: Trump And The UAW

Thank goodness for counter programming for the GOP debate. I know my beloved blogging sisters live for them, but I would rather get cadaver tissue for another dental implant. Do I make myself clear? I always end up despising the moderators and the prepared, canned lines that potential nominees are thirsting to use. The last great prepared dig was Ronald Reagan to Walter Mondale. President Reagan refused to exploit, for political purposes, Walter Mondale’s youth and inexperience against him. Election over. None of this group is good at delivering prepared jibes. Oof.

Picket Line Joe Beats Donald Trump To The UAW

Picket Line Joe Beats Donald Trump To The UAW

Joe Biden said he wouldn’t get involved with the negotiations between labors leaders from the UAW (United Auto Workers) union and lawyers for carmakers. And, he didn’t….

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Ava Gardner