Trump Makes More Picks, Democrats Have More Meltdowns

Trump Makes More Picks, Democrats Have More Meltdowns

President-elect, Donald Trump finished off his work week with more cabinet picks. And, right on cue, the left is not happy.

Five Reasons I Am Thrilled The Senate Advanced DeVos Nomination To The Senate [VIDEO]

Five Reasons I Am Thrilled The Senate Advanced DeVos Nomination To The Senate [VIDEO]

Yesterday the Senate voted along party lines to send President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s confirmation to a vote early next week. Now last…

Trump’s tweets and his two good cabinet choices for EPA and DHS

Trump’s tweets and his two good cabinet choices for EPA and DHS

Twitter apparently is fun for President elect Donald Trump. And his twitter fights are epic. Unfortunatley, the media focuses on these tweets and ignores what he and…

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Ava Gardner