Yesterday the White House engaged in their latest victory lap in the war on terror via drone strike by announcing that they had confirmed the death of al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane on Monday in Somalia. You see Obama thinks that playing war video game style is the key to protecting the American people, but when it comes to ISIS who is certainly here in the homeland (see pictures below) we “still don’t have a strategy.” As they say on Twitter-#headdesk. So as Obama hits the links, since he is in Wales for the NATO Summit and the Welsh do have some of the best courses in the British Isles, I am sure he will be high-fiving his caddies over this latest triumph.

The problem with having a dhimmi in the White House is that he lacks a fundamental understanding of the ideology that drives ISIS and al Shabbab and every other Islamic radical group out there. Radical Islam is like a hydra. You cut one head off, and three spring up to replace it. You see how far an adoption of dhimmitude has gotten England. Just this week there was an 82 year old woman decapitated in her back garden in Northern London. It turns out that her suspected murderer is a Muslim convert, 25 year old Nicholas Salvadore. This is what happens when you place Shari’ah courts on par with your legal system and grant public benefits to multiple wives due to “religious beliefs”-it leads to the public hacking of your citizens (and soldiers) by Islamic militants with machetes in broad daylight.

Add this to the news that ISIS is actively recruiting women in Minnesota, and you have a serious problem. So, really Mr. President what the HECK are you going to do to protect the people of our nation? Especially when you take into account the eleven planes missing from the Tripoli airport, after Islamic militants from the Libyan Dawn, an al Qaeda affiliated group, took control of the airport. Initially State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf denied the reports of the missing planes, but then she was proven incorrect when the social media savvy militants posted pictures of themselves with their new planes. Oops, so sad when you get proven wrong by Twitter.

There are very real fears that the planes could be used in coordinated attacks against the U.S. homeland and those of our European allies, since they lack the kind of military support the U.S. has put into place since the original 2001 9/11 attacks. It gets better when you look into the other groups that are also in the Tripoli area-Ansar al-Shariah, who is largely thought to be behind the September 11th attack against the Benghazi consulate- is also in the city and is known to work with ISIS. Are you starting to see that hydra pattern yet? Well, Obama sure seems in denial about it even if the threat is clear as day to the average person.
So folks, batten down the hatches and fly those flags I think next week could be a doozy.
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