March 25, 2017
It’s Donald Trump Versus The Obama Deep State on Wiretapping
It was two weeks ago this morning that President Donald Trump accused his predecessor President Barack Obama of “tapping” his phones and the entire mainstream media/deep state industrial complex simultaneously puckered and howled.
How dare the cretin Trump accuse “Barack the Pristine” of anything but the purist of motives. He is incapable of even having a wrinkle in the crease of his pants, let alone having any ill will or doing anything negative against another human being (except those he personally selected for drone death, they needed it).
Everyone knows that the cretin Trump is an unstable delusional paranoid. Well, not so fast. To quote Joseph Heller from “Catch 22”:
“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.”
Why would Donald the Delusional accuse Barack the Pristine of a wiretap scheme with no proof whatsoever? Election 2016 was nasty on both sides. Would Barack the Pristine put his finger on the scale? Was it just the deep state and Barack the Pristine knew nothing about it? Why were names unmasked that should never have been unmasked?
I trust Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer and last night he was on The O’Reilly Factor hosted by Eric Bolling.
Why are names being unmasked and leaked all over Hell and half of Georgia? This is classic Barack Obama. He (not personally) leaked information damaging to opponents in every previous election he has participated in. From the “American Thinker” in August 2008, “Obama’s Bag of Tricks”:
When Barack Obama ran for the United States Senate only a few years ago he faced formidable rivals in the Democratic primary, people better known with longer and more established political pedigrees, or with ready access to campaign funds. Eventually, it became a two man race: Barack Obama and Blair Hull, a successful executive who had accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars and was investing chunks of it in his own race. Hull was in the lead as the primary season was ending when stories were leaked to the Chicago Tribune that he had a history of spousal abuse. These were true and he was forced out of the race. Barack Obama easily won the primary.

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