Twenty innocent lives were snuffed out in a cafe in Dhaka, Bangladesh, hacked to death by seven Islamist terrorists, before the worthless lives of six of them were terminated by commandos. One was arrested after the 12-hour hostage standoff ended.
The subhumans who carried out the brutal murders — four of whom are pictured below, gleeful at the brutality to come — selected as their victims those who were unable to recite the Koran. Oh, and no surprise here — these monsters had pledged their allegiance to ISIS. Shocker, huh?

Among the dead were three American college students, one of whom was an American citizen from Miami. Her name was Abinta Kabir.
Another Emory University student, Forraz Hossain, a native of Bangladesh, died alongside Abinta. The third student was Tarushi Jain, an Indian native studying at Berkeley.

Three promising students from American universities had their lives brutally terminated at the hands of Islamist butchers. One was an American citizen. All three were slightly older than President Obama’s eldest daughter, Malia.
Do you think that now, now, Obama would utter the I-word to identify the source of the killers’ inspiration?
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