Taliban Five Exchanged For Bowe Bergdahl Now Negotiators

Taliban Five Exchanged For Bowe Bergdahl Now Negotiators

Of all the many, many heinous and offensive things that former President Barack Obama did, exchanging five Guantanamo Bay held prisoners for Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl has to be in the top four. Now the Taliban Five are sitting at the negotiating table in Doha, Qatar working on a peace deal for Afghanistan. Chickens always come home to roost and Obama’s feckless foreign policy could furnish Colonel Sanders’ Kentucky Fried Chicken for years, both original and extra crispy.

Travesty: Army May Decide Bowe Bergdahl Is ‘Entitled’ To $300G In Back Pay [VIDEO]

Travesty: Army May Decide Bowe Bergdahl Is ‘Entitled’ To $300G In Back Pay [VIDEO]

It seems that some in the Army want to quadruple down on the travesty of injustice surrounding that deserter named Bowe Bergdahl. The U.S. Army is set…

Obama Scandal List

The Obama administration’s scandals are numerous, yet Obama and his media are wont to say that they are “phony scandals” that the Republican Party like to chase. But…

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Ava Gardner