Lockdowns Kill: 40% Increase In Working Age (18-64) Non-Covid Deaths

Lockdowns Kill: 40% Increase In Working Age (18-64) Non-Covid Deaths

A 40% increase in NON-COVID deaths shows the fallacy of lockdowns. What’s even MORE alarming is that those deaths fell in the 18-64 age group.

Fourth Capitol Police Officer Suicide Raises Questions

Fourth Capitol Police Officer Suicide Raises Questions

Another Capitol police officer has committed suicide, bringing the toll to four such deaths from the force which defended the Capitol building. Kyle DeFreytag, who died on…

The Economist Politicizes Suicide

The Economist Politicizes Suicide

I generally only use Twitter to track quick-breaking news stories, and I follow all the major news outlets from BBC to the Washington Times. British magazine the…

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Ava Gardner