Dakota Pipeline Protestors leave. 10 arrested

Dakota Pipeline Protestors leave.  10 arrested

The Standing Rock protestors completed their winter trek through North Dakota. The protest started last summer as a group camped out on “Tribal land” (actually next to tribal land although the protestors say it is tribal land) with their kids in tents. The camp site cleanup will not be pleasant.  People camped out in a semi rustic site. In winter. Insanely cold winter. In tents.

The BBC reports on the end of their protest here

The battle of Standing Rock has been bitter to the end. Barring an eleventh-hour twist, the protesters – who call themselves water protectors – have lost their fight.

Water protectors? Well raw sewage is just great for water guys.

Smaller camps may remain but the oil looks certain to flow, perhaps as soon as a fortnight from now. However some demonstrators say they have succeeded in pricking the nation’s conscience on two fronts.

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Ava Gardner