As we here at Victory Girls have reported this week, Lena Dunham’s story of being raped while a student at Oberlin College completely fell apart this week. Not that this mattered to her supporters, or the left-leaning groups that support her. In fact, the way Dunham supporters feel was neatly summed up by Sophie Hess, station manager at WOBC at Oberlin College:
“Asking whether or not a victim is telling the truth is irrelevant,” Ms. Hess proclaimed. “It’s just not important if they are telling the truth. If this person had wanted criminal justice they would have pursued it.”
So it didn’t matter that Lena Dunham’s story may not be true. All that mattered was how people FELT about it.
Just like at the University of Virginia, right, Sophie Hess?
But now, the truth may be legally compelled to come out. The man most commonly contacted by the media after Dunham’s story was released as part of her pre-book publicity, who Breitbart News dubbed “Barry One” and talked with, has decided to set up a legal fund and investigate his options in pursuing libel charges.
From the GoFundMe page:
We have been in contact with Lena Dunham’s representatives since October 6, 2014. Despite multiple requests, Lena Dunham has not issued any sort of statement clearing Barry’s name and clarifying the confusion that is happening.
As you can imagine, this has taken a very negative toll on Barry and his family.
Because of these circumstances Barry has sought the assistance of legal counsel to protect and clear his good name. Barry is the sole financial provider for his family, which includes his wife and infant daughter. Barry has already spent a substantial portion of his savings on legal fees because of the actions (and inactions) of Ms. Dunham and Penguin Random House.
This is a BIG deal.
The reason this is happening is because Lena Dunham told a story, and neither she or her publisher, Random House, cared about the consequences. They either didn’t know or failed to care that the statute of limitations in Ohio (where Oberlin College is located) is 20 years. They either didn’t know or failed to care that Oberlin authorities were legally obligated to open an investigation once the allegations were made. And once Lena Dunham DID know, she refused to provide the Oberlin police with any information about her accusations. All of this left “Barry One” in a legal limbo, as well as having to deal with media contacts asking if he is a rapist.
More than one legal mind is of the opinion that “Barry One” has a solid legal case, should he choose to pursue it.
And while I can see this case being settled, very quickly, for a whole pile of money and a publisher’s apology (and maybe even a stated apology from Dunham herself), let’s assume that this lawsuit goes forward. Any lawyer worth their salt is going to absolutely demolish Dunham’s story on the witness stand.
I hope that “Barry One” can get his life and reputation back from what Lena Dunham, either intentionally or unwittingly, has done to him. But at this point, given her continued defiance, it should cost her a whole lot of money.

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