Remember, This Is What Single Payer Looks Like [VIDEO]

Remember, This Is What Single Payer Looks Like [VIDEO]

The single payer healthcare dream is still alive and well and being pushed by Bernie Sanders and his acolytes. One of them just got a shining and pretty profile written, courtesy of Yahoo News.

Trump on 60 Minutes: Many Promises, No Specifics

Trump on 60 Minutes: Many Promises, No Specifics

Donald Trump gave an extensive interview to Scott Pelley on “60 Minutes” last night. During the interview, he covered taxes, immigration, ISIS, and Obamacare. Pelley pressed Trump…

Fox News Megyn Kelly Will Moderate January’s GOP Debate

Fox News Megyn Kelly Will Moderate January’s GOP Debate

The Fox News GOP Debate scheduled for January 2016 will have a familiar panel of moderators questioning the candidates. Yes, that includes Megyn Kelly. Will the January…

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Ava Gardner