Flint, Michigan and its extremely serious water crisis is now on everyone’s radar. And, the finger pointing blame game is just as toxic as the water itself. Many people are calling for Michigan’s Governor Rick Snyder to resign. However, those same people are ignoring the contaminated elephant in the room. The EPA itself is a direct contributor to environmental disasters that are causing harm to both the environment and the health of American men, women, and children. Exhibit A: Flint, Michigan

A year ago, EPA expert Miguel Del Toral realized there were serious contamination issues and confirmed the findings in April. Did the EPA step up and sound the alarm? Yeah. No.
EPA official Susan Hedman did not publicize the EPA’s concern over Flint’s water quality or the water’s dangerous health concerns. The federal agency instead quietly fought with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality for at least six months about what should be done.
Seriously folks, the EPA got into a pissing match about procedures while Flint’s water contamination issue worsened. In fact, no matter their backpedaling and finger pointing…the ONLY thing the EPA – led by Administrator Susan Hedman did was discredit and silence Miguel before he could say more. When were the citizens of Flint told that yes, their water is contaminated? December 2015, 13 months after the problem was identified.
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