The Restroom and Locker Room Connundrum: All-Inclusive Is Not Inclusive to All

The Restroom and Locker Room Connundrum: All-Inclusive Is Not Inclusive to All

I was in a local “family” establishment a few weeks back watching my son at his breakdancing class. My friend’s son is also in the class and I was working on a video compilation of the two of them for the finale of the season, for their 2024 high school graduations, for their future girlfriends and their weddings and of course, blackmail. Innocently, I held my phone up to take the weekly video of them battling it out with their instructor.

That was when I was tapped on the shoulder and told about the “building policy” of not taking photos or videos of the children by the building’s supervisor (who now makes it a point to hover around the studio when our son’s session starts, I guess to make sure that I don’t do anything to “endanger” the well-being of said children). This is the same “family” establishment with liberal leadership in a very liberal part of the U.S. who went ahead and voted to allow transgenders to change in the women’s locker room of their local branches because (even though their current plumbing states otherwise), they “identify” as women.

In light of Target’s recent move for “inclusivity”, artists boycotting certain states because their laws don’t align with their moral compass while they go off to cash-in on appearances in countries who openly condemn alternative lifestyles and all of the rainbow-spouting hearts-and-flowers that goes hand-in-hand with “you can be whatever you want, when you want on any given day”, I cannot believe that the safety of our children is forsaken to accommodate a smaller minority who do not feel as though they are being treated fairly. I do not understand why and how a parent of a young child will have to explain to a child who may be exposed to (a little bit more) of an individual whom they may not have come across before.

A mother taking a video of her own child is forbidden but, let me get this straight-a man who claims to be a woman one day can flash his private parts in a locker room while mothers are changing with their daughters because “the law has changed and he has a right to be there”?

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Ava Gardner