Sexbots: How Feminism Destroyed Femininity

Sexbots: How Feminism Destroyed Femininity

fembots-austin-powers-640x480As a conservative woman I’ve long despised third wave feminism and the effects it is having on our society, but this newest study is both terrifying and hilarious all at the same time. Experts are now reporting that feminism has so destroyed femininity that men are sick and tired of dealing with women. With the advancements in technology, men are simply avoiding women and escaping into a world of pornography and video games. In 50 years men will have completely disengaged from the female population in favor of sexbots, experts say. Yes, you read that correctly. Sexbots.

The author acknowledges that most of man’s advancements throughout history have been to get the attention and admiration of females. He said that the internet, pyramids, and the moon landings would not exist if men hadn’t had the drive to invent or do something astounding if it weren’t for the desire to capture the attentions of women. He also added that the sexual appetites of men aren’t that hard to identify, but that feminists’ constant harping about the gender gap and rape culture has started to turn men completely off to relationships with the women.

In response to women constantly complaining about how hard it is to be a woman – with how tough it is to shave, apply makeup, wear attractive clothes, and do our hair I often wonder how we have managed to overcome such adversity – men are completely checking out and retreating into whatever technological escape or hobby they have. Milo Yiannopoulos acknowledges what my husband says all the time – that men are perfectly fine without women, but that women turn into “shrieking, neurotic messes if they are still single into their 30’s.”

Yiannopoulos then adds that women have been getting progressively unhappier since the Second World War because feminism has urged women to throw off traditional roles and run, with bras burning, into the workplace, and they have become so radical that they demand that men love them even when they refuse to be feminine, i.e. not shaving, wearing appealing clothing, or doing their hair.

Basically feminists expect modern men to find a cavewoman attractive, but they demand these same male specimen “manscape,” and be the Adonis they all want. Said male cannot be too manly, though. He must be a wimp and easy to push around.

Needless to say, men are sick of our crap, Ladies, and are withdrawing from us. We’ve been seeing this trend since the 90’s, though, haven’t we? Television shows and movies geared to women have often complained that they don’t understand why men really don’t want them, all while continuing to act like the crazed feminists that they’ve been indoctrinated to be since Kindergarten.

Feminists have long been peddling this lie that they have empowered women and made women happier, but they haven’t. Well, at least not progressive women anyway. Conservative women tend to be much happier in America than liberal women. In fact, they make up the happiest group in the U.S., at just over 40% of conservative women reporting that they are, indeed, very happy with their lives, families, relationships, and jobs.

Wait. I thought being rescued for the patriarchy was supposed to fulfill all of my wildest dreams as a woman, and free me from every burden that men ever would lay on my shoulders. I guess all that crap that was forced down my throat in high school and college is just that: Crap.

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