Harry Reid Calls Sanctuary Cities Bill ‘The Donald Trump Act’

Harry Reid Calls Sanctuary Cities Bill ‘The Donald Trump Act’

Senator Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) surfaced in the Senate yesterday and had some interesting things to say about the Sanctuary Cities bill slated for a procedural vote this morning.

“This vile legislation might as well be called the Donald Trump Act, like the disgusting outrageous language championed by Donald Trump,” the Democratic leader said. “Republicans are not really proposing this bill to solve any problems within our immigration system. This Donald Trump Act was designed to demonize immigrants and spread the myth that they are criminals and threats to the public.”

The Donald Trump Act?!  BWAHAHAHAHAHA!  Sorry, couldn’t help it. So, the good Senator wants us to ignore the many tragic reasons why this bill is necessary. We’ve written about the Kate Steinle story here, here, and here. In July when that lovely young lady was killed by an illegal alien (Yes people I used the word ILLEGAL), who stayed silent? Good ole Harry!

You see, Harry would like us to ignore pesky details about her killer such as the fact that he has 30 aliases to his credit, was deported FIVE – count them, FIVE times, and had seven felony convictions under his belt.

Photo Credit: ThePoliticalInsider.com
Photo Credit: ThePoliticalInsider.com

But you see, Harry doesn’t care about Kate’s murder nor the illegality of and the criminal record of her killer. He’s ignoring the forest and trees on this in favor of staying focused on his exercise band lawsuit.

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