Orlando Shooting: Right On Cue, Here Come the Gun Haters [VIDEOS]

Orlando Shooting: Right On Cue, Here Come the Gun Haters [VIDEOS]

As of this writing, 50 persons were confirmed dead and 53 injured at the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, the worst terror attack on US soil since 9/11.

And, on cue, gun haters from all walks of life are eager to blame gun ownership for the deaths.

Anti-gun sculpture at the United Nations. Credit: bizpacreview.com

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), no doubt eager to score points with his fellow anti-gun leftists, pointed his finger of blame at the Republican Senate for failing to pass “commonsense gun violence prevention.” He labeled it a “health crisis.” Yes, terrorism is a “health crisis.”

The ever-vigilant British gun hater Piers Morgan was quick to chime in with his vaunted wisdom. Hey, Piers, maybe you should pay attention to radical Islamism in your own nation, and MYOFB.

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Ava Gardner