In two weeks, Donald J. Trump will have been President-elect (and then President) for one year. In that time, we’ve seen writers crying about how difficult it is to write in the world of Trump. We’ve seen Hollywood notables reneging on their promises to leave the country if he was elected president. But, most of all, we have seen certain residents of our country becoming so upset with the fact their beloved Hillary didn’t win the election that they have fallen victim to Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is closely related to the Bush Derangement Syndrome but has caused even more chest-beating and victim-status claiming. It culminates on November 8th with the “Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election” event in Boston.
Yes, you read that right. Someone has organized an event for all those so broken-hearted at Trump’s continued existence as President that they are gathering to “scream helplessly at the sky”. So far, 4,000 Facebook users have said they will attend and another 33,000 or so are “interested” in attending. Can’t you just see it? Thousands of people standing in Boston, lifting their faces to the sky and screaming helplessly – as if that is going to accomplish anything except possibly hurting their throats.
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