First Lady of the United States Melania Trump has shocked the mainstream media by speaking Italian in Italy and coming out as a practicing Roman Catholic. Mrs. Trump revealed herself on the nine-day tour with her husband, President Donald Trump. While President Trump has knocked the world back on its heels by being Presidential, Mrs. Trump has the world reeling with her style, graceful sensibility and quiet demeanor.
The video below appears to have been made over several days in Italy, or Mrs. Trump changed clothes, either of which is entirely possible. And, the lady wears her clothes well.
Notice in the video that Mrs. Trump speaks of having visited the hospital in Italy last month. Apparently, Mrs. Trump visited the hospital without fanfare or press. Must have been during one of the times when media outlets like the New York Times were questioning whether Mrs. Trump would ever be First Lady. Barely two weeks into the Trump Presidency and the New York Times was questioning Melania’s absence. Well, New York Times, Melania Trump is present and rocking the First Lady gig.

Mrs. Trump visited the children at the Bambino Gesu hospital in Rome with permission from the Pope. The Vatican owns the hospital. Mrs. Trump opened a garden for the children during the visit. According to the Washington Examiner, Mrs. Trump took lots of selfies with the kids and colored and signed bandages. According to Western Journalism,
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