Republicans Make Gains Against Obama

In the light of day, the prospects for the fate of America look much better today.

With majorities in both houses of Congress (a co-equal branch of government BTW–in case you attended Professor Obama’s Con. Law class, where that part isn’t in the syllabus), the conservatives are poised to begin putting an end to the “defeat America” victory lap that the Democrats have been taking for some time now.

We warned you Democrats, but just like Narcissis, you flew to close to the sun, and came crashing to Earth.

For some time now, the voters have been waiting for this moment.  People who knew better and who saw through all the lies and buffoonery of an administration that keeps screaming “ALL IS WELL!!!” like Kevin Bacon in Animal House.  The majority of the people knew what needed to be done.

Putting an end to the reign of Harry Reid was a nice touch as well, in that I think his party will put him in exile, along with San Fran Nan for some time to come, now that they have to opportunity to send these mindless buffoons who spend their time talking about how “unemployment compensation creates jobs” and how evil the Koch Brothers are.  If I was a democrat (I just threw up a little bit in my mouth), I would see to it that these two Ministers of Jackassery were never allowed to speak for me again.

I don’t care either if the people voted their pocketbook, their job or lack thereof, or they just voted “Not Obama.”  I am glad that they voted, whatever the reason.

And now two things are very apparent.

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Ava Gardner