Marquette University professor, John McAdams, belongs to an ever-shrinking minority: Conservative professors on college campuses. Like most campuses across America, Marquette, one of the ten worst colleges for free speech according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), is teeming with liberal profs, one of whom, a grad student, McAdams had the audacity to criticize. So now McAdams finds himself in professorial purgatory, suspended for high crimes and misdemeanors, without pay, from his position. His offense? Standing up for free speech:
Illiberalism reigns at cowardly @MarquetteU https://t.co/Ck8JPHhS8p via @twitchycom #Marquette
— Drew Harding (@adrew_harding) March 28, 2016
Marquette University professor John McAdams has been suspended from his position. His crime? Writing on a post on his personal blog that criticized the actions of another professor, who had instructed her students not to voice their opinions if they were anti-gay marriage or anti-gay adoption.
It’s important to note that McAdams didn’t take a policy position in his post. He simply made the suggestion that – gasp! – students should have the freedom to voice their opinions in an academic setting. Sadly, as McAdams accurately points out in his post, “Of course, only certain groups have the privilege of shutting up debate.”
The university has said it will reinstate McAdams in 2017 if he issues a public apology and acknowledges his “guilt.”
Did you catch that? He took no position. He simply argued for the rights of all the students to voice theirs. And for that he got sacked. You can read McAdams’ entire blog post here.
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