In the midst of her Benghazi testimony, Hillary Clinton herself has offered the most damning evidence of why having a private server and a non-State Department email address was not only ill-advised and violated the spirit, if not the letter, of the law, it also was a security issue. And not the security issue for her emails – it was a security issue for Ambassador Chris Stevens.
During questioning by Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), Hillary admitted that her “friend,” Chris Stevens, had no way to personally contact her via email, because she didn’t have a State Department email address.
Westmoreland makes the point that Stevens' many security requests didn't reach Clinton. "Did he have your personal email?" #Benghazi
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
Effective point: Stevens was HRC personal friend, in a dangerous place, requesting more security, & didn't have HRC email. Blumenthal did.
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
First time HRC on her heels. HRC friend Chris Stevens desperately called for more security but couldn't get through to HRC- Blumenthal could
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015
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