For the last few seasons, the NFL has looked more like the Keystone Cops than a well-run sports organization. We’ve had Deflate Gate, inconsistent discipline for drug violations, criminal charges, etc. This year, we’ve seen falling television ratings continue to plummet, especially for Sunday and Monday night games. NFL profits are declining as well. Amid all this, word broke over the last 24 hours that some NFL owners are considering ways to force Jerry Jones out of the league. Are they freaking crazy?
I’m no fan of Jerry Jones, never have been. He is crass and head-strong. He is also one of the most successful team owners. He took a team that was losing in the area of $1 million a month and turned it around. The Cowboys are now valued at more than $4 billion. That, apparently, isn’t enough for some owners.
It seems that certain owners have decided that Jerry isn’t playing nice. They have discussed using a clause in the ownership contract that would allow them to force him to sell the Cowboys:
Article VIII of the NFL’s Constitution & Bylaws. Specifically, Section 8.13 authorizes the Commissioner to determine that an owner “has been or is guilty of conduct detrimental to the welfare of the League or professional football.” If the Commissioner believes the available sanction (a $500,000 fine) is “not adequate or sufficient,” the Commissioner may refer the issue to the NFL’s Executive Committee, which has the power to compel “[c]ancellation or forfeiture of the franchise in the League of any member club involved or implicated,” with a directive to sell the team.
What has Jones done that is so serious some of the owners would even consider this option?
The Democrats are trying. They are really, really trying. The problem is, when you go for a makeover, you maybe shouldn’t stick with the same stylist. So,…
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