The Burning Issue of the Day: Do Black Olives Matter? [VIDEOS]

The Burning Issue of the Day: Do Black Olives Matter? [VIDEOS]

Yes, yes, yes, black lives matter. We’ve been hearing that slogan ad nauseam. But the burning issue of the day is this: do Black Olives Matter?

My husband, along with his four siblings, would give a unequivocal yes! When they get together at Christmas, they pop black olives like candy. The hubby will even buy a multi-pack of canned black olives at Costco, which he eats all by himself.

The owner of an Italian restaurant in Albuquerque, NM, thinks black olives matter, too. This is how Rick Camuglia, owner of Paisano’s Italian restaurant, decided to advertise his new black olive tapenade on his sign marquee:


He then posted a picture of the tapenade atop a seasonal seared ahi tuna dish on Facebook. Camuglia was proud of this culinary accomplishment, and threw in a little humor on the side.

That’s when social media outrage broke loose.

Ever the entrepreneur, Camuglia decided to answer the social justice outrage with . . . you guessed it, hats and T-shirts! You can view them here.


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Ava Gardner