What did women ever do before Teh Won, Barack Obama, for gosh sakes? And why does Romney hate women? And puppies? Get this: Obama’s official campaign site is promoting this “family-friendly” e-card from a Mitt-hating/Obamacare loving female looking out for “her right” should her expectation of taxpayer-funded birth control go down in flames with a President Romney repeal. According to the clever meme, her backup plan includes borrowing $18,000 from her Mom to fund her “women’s health” needs.
Um…”borrow” $18,000 to “help” pay for birth control…from Mom. First off, if you’re paying $18,000 for birth control, something is wrong. The Pill is about $7 a month. A box of condoms costs $8 at Walmart. If you buy a box per year, that’s less than $500. Unless, you’re incredibly promiscuous. Secondly, no one in their right mind believes you have any intention of paying your mom back. Get real, you basement dwelling freeloader! And third, you are borrowing from YOUR MOM for your clearly ho-bag birth control! Geez. Have you no shame? If you think you need this much for birth control, getting pregnant is the least of your problems.
But it’s always the same with liberals. They want everything for free because we pay for it. They don’t want us in their bedroom, but they want us to pay for their bedroom activities – for a lifetime. Nothing really new here, just more idiocy in The Age of Obama.
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