Nurses Criticize “The View” After Hosts Slam Miss Colorado’s Talent Monologue

Nurses Criticize “The View” After Hosts Slam Miss Colorado’s Talent Monologue

Last week the Miss America pageant took place in New Jersey, and of course several contestants made newsworthy soundbites. But for many, the best part of the event took place during the talent competition. Rather than singing, playing the piano, or dancing; one contestant, Miss Colorado’s Kelley Johnson took a very different tack.

What a beautiful and powerful way to articulate ALL that a nurse is. Kelley is indeed not JUST a nurse. She was Joe’s nurse. She was Joe’s friend. Joe himself, was not Alzheimers, he was JOE. I have no doubt that it is her monologue that catapulted Kelley to a 2nd Runner Up finish in the pageant.

Unfortunately, there are others who, after viewing Kelley’s monologue saw things differently. The brain trust (and I use that term VERY loosely) at The View is one such group.

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