Another weekend of the Republican presidential campaign, another weekend on the Trump Fury Road.
Yesterday in Chicago a picture was snapped of a Trump supporter actually giving a Nazi salute. Not merely raising her hand in a pledge, but defiantly flaunting the Seig Heil gesture.
Trump cancels Chicago rally amid security concerns #Chicago #DonaldTrump photo by @ejwamb
— Chicago Trib Photo (@ChiTribPhoto) March 12, 2016
Donald Trump, Jr., was quick to accuse a Bernie Sanders supporter for the offense. . .
. . . but then deleted his tweet when he found that the actual perpetrator was — yes, an actual Trump supporter.
@DonaldJTrumpJr That's incorrect. Her name is Birgitt Peterson and she's on team Trump.
— Kendra Baker (@KendraBaker) March 12, 2016
In an interview, Ms. Peterson, who said she was born in West Germany in 1946 and emigrated to the United States in 1982, explained why she made the salute:
“They said Trump is a second Hitler. I said do you know what that sign stands for? Do you know who Hitler really was? I make the point that they are demonstrating something they had no knowledge about. If you want to do it right, you do it right. You don’t know what you are doing.”
I see. She wanted to provide a helpful tutorial on how to correctly perform a Nazi salute. She of course denied actually being a Nazi — “Absolutely I’m not a Nazi, no. I’m not one of those” — and I do tend to believe her.
But while Ms. Peterson is probably not a Nazi, witness this Trump supporter, whose profundity was recorded Saturday by a Dutch journalist. I wonder if this genius is aware that Trump’s son-in-law is Jewish, and that his daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism, but I rather doubt it.
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