Uvalde Parents Latest Filings Allege Conspiracy and More

Uvalde Parents Latest Filings Allege Conspiracy and More

Earlier this week, most of the families of the victims of the Robb Elementary School shooting settled with the City of Uvalde in the amount of $2 million. It came as no surprise to learn they also planned to go after other agencies involved in the delayed (some would say terribly botched) response to the active shooter situation. But guess what? There’s more. They filed two additional law suits yesterday, one against a gun manufacturer and the other against a social media giant and a video game company. Yep, you read that right. Video games made him do it.

Biden White House Officials Limited On Social Media Contacts

Biden White House Officials Limited On Social Media Contacts

While the “snowstorm” happened at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue yesterday as Hunter Biden returned on Air Force One with his senile old dad, the DOCTOR (Jill) and the…

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Ava Gardner