Merrick Garland – Enablers And Enemies

Merrick Garland – Enablers And Enemies

It sounds like a Deep State Conspiracy. How many times have you looked at a government flack speaking and thought, “Dayum, they must have some rank stuff on that old boy.” Merrick Garland looks, since he became Attorney General, like someone is holding his puppy over a waterfall. And, today he looked worse than usual before the House Judiciary Committees with his Enablers and Enemies asking questions and trying to score political points.

Republicans Hate Matt Gaetz, Want Him Out

Republicans Hate Matt Gaetz, Want Him Out

It’s not a secret that there is a majority of Republicans who hate Matt Gaetz and find him so disgusting that they want him out. Even before…

Something New For Matt Gaetz

Something New For Matt Gaetz

Is it time for something new for Matt Gaetz, the Congressman from Florida who was the ringleader in getting Kevin McCarthy ousted from the Speakership?

Speaker Chaos: Emmer Gets The Nod, Will He Seal The Deal?

Speaker Chaos: Emmer Gets The Nod, Will He Seal The Deal?

At this point, maybe all the names of the people who want to be Speaker should just be thrown into a hat, and Patrick McHenry can draw…

Tom McClintock: We Don’t Deserve You

Tom McClintock: We Don’t Deserve You

Representative Tom McClintock (R-CA) wrote a cute little letter to the dissenting 8 (or the hateful 8 as most are calling them these days) and told them…

Speaker Chaos: Who Is Still In The Race?

Speaker Chaos: Who Is Still In The Race?

McCarthy is out. Scalise is out. Jordan is out. Who is left that could possibly get enough votes to become Speaker of the House?

Speaker Chaos: Jordan Loses Round Three And Nomination

Speaker Chaos: Jordan Loses Round Three And Nomination

The longer that the office of Speaker of the House sits vacant, the more Kevin McCarthy looks like a strategic genius for holding the job as long…

Jim Jordan Is Another Typical Republican

Jim Jordan Is Another Typical Republican

Ohio Representative Jim Jordan is giving up his quixotic race for the Speaker of the House temporarily. Instead, the House Republicans will nominate North Carolina Representative Patrick…

Speaker Race: Scalise Wins Nomination, So Was It Worth It?

Speaker Race: Scalise Wins Nomination, So Was It Worth It?

After a secret ballot vote within the House GOP caucus, Steve Scalise has won the nomination for Speaker with a slim margin over Jim Jordan.

Tim Burchett And The Great Speaker Ouster Caper

Tim Burchett And The Great Speaker Ouster Caper

There are people in seven Congressional districts probably today as consarned and concussed as I am. The people of the eighth district would belong to Matt Gaetz…

Speaker Race: Candidates Getting In, But Can The Caucus Agree?

Speaker Race: Candidates Getting In, But Can The Caucus Agree?

Yesterday, no matter what you think about Kevin McCarthy, was not a good day for Republicans, as eight members sided with Democrats to remove the Speaker of…

Gaetz Gets His Way, Forces Speaker Vote Again

Gaetz Gets His Way, Forces Speaker Vote Again

As Toni covered earlier, Representative Matt Gaetz, who has no endgame to his plans except wearing a t-shirt that says “I H8 KEVIN MCCARTHY,” has pushed through…

Embarrassment Continues: Gaetz Files Motion To Vacate Against McCarthy

Embarrassment Continues: Gaetz Files Motion To Vacate Against McCarthy

Vox, January 7, 2023: As part of his bid to become speaker, McCarthy reportedly offered a rules change that will allow any one Republican to force a…

Kevin McCarthy And Matt Gaetz Embarrass Us All

Kevin McCarthy And Matt Gaetz Embarrass Us All

Oof! What a kerfuffle! Florida Representative Matt Gaetz has threatened to file a motion to vacate against Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Some Republicans want to expel Matt Gaetz….

McCarthy Deals, Finally Gets Votes In Round 15

McCarthy Deals, Finally Gets Votes In Round 15

Day four of the House Speaker Voting Marathon began with a possible deal on the table between Kevin McCarthy and Chip Roy, who represented a faction of…

Speaker Groundhog Day Voting Goes On

Speaker Groundhog Day Voting Goes On

Sigh. As Representative Kat Cammack said yesterday during the sixth round of voting, we are currently locked in the purgatory cycle known as Groundhog Day when it…

Mark Levin: GOP Boneheads Are The Problem

Mark Levin: GOP Boneheads Are The Problem

He’s right. Mark Levin absolutely nails it as we watch the GOP boneheads battle against themselves and Kevin McCarthy for Speaker.

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Ava Gardner