This is what happens when you cheapen sex.

This is what happens when you cheapen sex.

When you sleep around a lot, and don’t think twice about giving yourself to someone, usually something bad happens. You start to look at it like Margaret Cho does. (Caution for language and… disturbing content.)

Having sex with a man you live with is prostitution. How lovely. This video is just disturbing on so many levels!

The prostitution schtick we hear from so many feminists is tiring, to say the absolute least. For me, it’s more revolting and disturbing. The thing is, the women who are most likely to look at consensual sex as prostitution are the ones who probably don’t look at it as something sacred. They’re the ones who idolize Sex and the City, who think that women should sleep around like men do, who have dozens of notches on their belts and don’t think they should be ashamed. They’re the ones who don’t realize that sex is something that brings you closer to someone, that is beautiful and emotional and so much more than a physical act. And the more they have sex, the more they hate themselves for doing it, and the more they hate sex.

This video brought to mind a post that my friend Melissa Clouthier wrote about sex:

Sex is not just to make babies. Sex is not just for physical pleasure. Sex is a sacred gift between two people.

Here’s an irony that I’ve noticed: the women who put out the most seem to like sex the least. You read that right. Because sex matters so little to them, they use sex as a tool to get a man to like them or they use sex to have physical touch or they use sex for attention. The point is, they use sex. And then, when there is no more use for sex, they stop giving it up. That’s right. They don’t like it or value it that much anyway. They give it to anyone and everyone. And, imagine their eventual husband’s shock when it stops being given. “But we had so much sex before we got married!” Uh huh. I have a newsflash. She didn’t like it then, either. She was using sex to use you. And, it worked.

No one values anything that comes cheap. Why do men and women give away the gift of their body and soul as if it is worth nothing?

Sexual intercourse is more than a physical coupling. It is a powerful union, a special gift. DNA is exchanged during sex. Both people are literally changed by the experience. And this is awesome. When someone has multiple partners, gives the gift too soon and to a stranger even, a barrier goes up emotionally. How can it not? A person has to divest himself of emotional vulnerability in an act that succeeds based on making oneself vulnerable. Long term, I believe that this behavior is incredibly damaging to the heart and spirit of a person. The emotional distance becomes a habit. This is not so easy to turn off once in a loving, committed relationship.

This is what I thought of when I watched Margaret Cho do her bit about sex with her ex-boyfriend. I felt like there was such desperation there… such sadness and fear and anger and vulnerability. Her bit seemed to show me that she was absolutely desperate to find some way to connect to this man, and when she couldn’t, she lashed out. She shut herself down, she pushed him away, and she was angry at him for making her have to do that. To her, men are the enemy.

There was one good bit in that video. When she spoke about the ability of women to give birth, to give life, I thought she was spot-on. I don’t have any children, but I’ve seen a child being born — my sister. I was in the delivery room with my parents. I watched my sister take her first breath. And it was incredible. I wasn’t even the woman delivering her, but it was just such an incredible, moving, emotional moment. Margaret was hitting the nail on the head… and then she went and ruined it with her crass comedy.

I saw this video at Feministing, and the response was saddening. Of course, all of these “feminists” were lauding Margaret and agreeing with her point of view. A few of them said they wanted to make out with her, because she’s so “amazing”.

Really? I didn’t crack a smile once during that video. It wasn’t even that I didn’t like what she was saying, but she just wasn’t funny. Not even a little bit. And she just seems to come across as someone who is very bitter, angry, and desperate for emotional intimacy. But, like I said, when you cheapen sex, there is no emotional intimacy.

It’s sad when you see people who use sex as a means of getting what they want, of manipulation, rather than appreciating it for what it is. And it seems like that’s exactly the kind of person Margaret is – hell, she spelled it out for us. She calls it prostitution “for very low wages” and talks about how bad the sex is. How can you possibly enjoy it, though, if you can’t surrender yourself fully to it?

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