Kamala Plagiarized Congressional Testimony And Lied On Law School Application

Kamala Plagiarized Congressional Testimony And Lied On Law School Application

It wasn’t just her “Smart On Crime” book. Nope, it turns out that Kamala plagiarized Congressional testimony. As in, she lifted it DIRECTLY from someone else’s testimony.

University of Richmond Told To Put Money Where Woke Mouth Is

University of Richmond Told To Put Money Where Woke Mouth Is

Virtue-signaling should have some costs, right? After all, if one wishes to talk the talk, then shouldn’t one walk the walk? That is what the University of…

Cancel Culture Comes for Justice Clarence Thomas

Cancel Culture Comes for Justice Clarence Thomas

Cancel culture has reached its slimy tentacles into our nation’s highest court and seized Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. He announced on Wednesday that he would not…

Principles! The University of Alabama Has Them

Principles! The University of Alabama Has Them

The University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa has returned the donation of a major contributor and renamed the law school. The major players disagree on the reasons for…

Seattle University Law School Suspends ICE from Externship Program

Seattle University Law School Suspends ICE from Externship Program

Seattle University Law School has suspended ICE from participating in the law school’s externship program.

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Ava Gardner