Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old kid who shot three rioters Tuesday night in Kenosha, Wisconsin, killing two of them, is an American hero.
That’s an unpopular opinion among the Marxists trying desperately to remold our nation into a hellhole, of course. They’re putting in overtime painting him as Literally Hitler. The narrative is as you’d expect from the militant Left: Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old white minor (his race is very important to the narrative), drove across state lines with an illegally obtained AR-15 for the express purpose of scaring people and/or engaging in violence.
Unfortunately for the Left and their propaganda machine, their entire narrative is easily proven to be a malicious, particularly nasty lie. To be clear, Rittenhouse’s age isn’t what makes their smear campaign so horrible. What makes it nasty is that it’s false and serves to gin up even more violence from the crowds that Marx himself would have called useful idiots.
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