The American Flag Has Always Been Great

The American Flag Has Always Been Great

Very Happy Flag Day, my fellow Americans. All of you. Left. Right. Middle of the Road. Politically Agnostic. The American flag belongs to each and every one of us. The flag belongs to those oppressed in countries around the globe who aspire to live in our Country, under our Constitution symbolized by our beautiful flag. There is no need to reclaim the flag from the “other side” or make the American flag great again. It is great and it doesn’t belong to a “side” unless they actively don’t want it. Hmmm?

Salon: Republicans Are Sex-Obsessed Pervs

Salon: Republicans Are Sex-Obsessed Pervs

A Sunday morning pursuing Salon is great for a laugh. Trump, Trump, Trump. Oh, here’s an article on making creamy twice-baked potatoes! Then, we come across this…

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Ava Gardner