Unpopular Trump Recruited By KGB For Puppet Purposes?

Unpopular Trump Recruited By KGB For Puppet Purposes?

Two articles caught my attention this morning. The first one in USA Today posits that Donald “Trump is the most unpopular president in more than 70 years. Sorry, MAGA.” The second one recycles the old rumor “Was 40-year-old Trump recruited by the KGB?”. Can you imagine the miserable lives these people live? Decades after Trump’s media star ascended, they are still caught up in fevered dream agitprop.

Trump Is Sad and Embarrassing? George Will Would Know

Trump Is Sad and Embarrassing? George Will Would Know

Poor George Will. The Never Trumper Will has an article in today’s “Washington Post” calling Donald Trump everything but a child of God. George will calls Trump…

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Ava Gardner