Democrats and the Mainstream Media, which are really one and the same, love to hook on to words and phrases that become scary boogeymen. Say the word or phrase and instantly a shadow falls across the world and everyone is shaking in their shoes. To this day, say the word “Halliburton”, and liberals wet themselves. Use “Dick Cheney” and “Halliburton” in a sentence together and liberals become catatonic. Not that there is anything wrong with cats.
I consider myself to be well read and quite up to date with current events. I had never heard of the “alt-right” movement before a couple of months ago. I don’t care for “movements”. Not that kind of “movement” you gutter dwelling dweeb. You know like “movements” and mobs and mobs make me think of the Salem Witch Trials and the French Revolution. The Holocaust and Russian Revolutions are also movements that became mobs that ended in death and destruction. And, I am not really a joiner anyway.

Just what is the “alt-right movement” and why is Hillary Clinton going to turn it into the new “Halliburton” scary boogeyman phrase?
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