ILA Longshoremen Strike And Joe Refuses To Act

ILA Longshoremen Strike And Joe Refuses To Act

Longshoremen went on strike early this morning. Multiple ports on the Eastern seaboard, including Baltimore, and along the Gulf Coast are affected. How many ports? A LOT. 

Is Trump’s 20% Mexico Import Tax To Fund Border Wall A Good Idea? [VIDEO]

Is Trump’s 20% Mexico Import Tax To Fund Border Wall A Good Idea? [VIDEO]

The wall will be built by hook or by crook as the saying goes. And it seems that President Trump is determined to make it so. President…

ATF Bans Import of 7N6 5.45×39 Ammunition

If the title of this article doesn’t make sense to you, then you need to read up.  In the meantime, what you need to know is that…

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Ava Gardner