Planned Parenthood Pushing Teen Transition After Thirty Minute Chat

Planned Parenthood Pushing Teen Transition After Thirty Minute Chat

No, that’s not a joke. Planned Parenthood is prescribing gender transition medications to teens and young adults after a quick thirty minute chat.

Trans Widow Details Dark Side of The Ideology

Trans Widow Details Dark Side of The Ideology

The Trans ideology is a trend amongst our young people. It’s cool to use pronouns and to call yourself a “they/them”. It’s cool to change your name…

Trudeau Insults Muslim Parents Over LGBTQ Curriculum Objections

Trudeau Insults Muslim Parents Over LGBTQ Curriculum Objections

Justin Trudeau insulted Muslim parents by claiming their valid objections to LGBTQ curriculum in schools are driven by American right-wing misinformation.

Pride Then And Now: Reflections From A Gay Man

Pride Then And Now: Reflections From A Gay Man

As we near the end of Pride Month, we’ve come across this interesting commentary in The Free Press from a gay man by the name of Ben…

SPLC: Parents Rights Groups Are Worse Than The KKK

SPLC: Parents Rights Groups Are Worse Than The KKK

The SPLC (Souther Poverty Law Center) published its annual ‘Hate Map’ yesterday, with new groups added. They claim that Parental Rights groups are equal to or worse…

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Ava Gardner