HuffPost Melts Down Over Donald Trump Claims That the FBI Loves Him

HuffPost Melts Down Over Donald Trump Claims That the FBI Loves Him

Donald Trump claims that the FBI loves him and Huffpost melts down.  I admit I had to think twice before resorting to using HuffPost as a “news source.”  While I have disdain and contempt for WaPo, NYT, and a host of usual suspects, HuffPost is in a league of its own.  That said, it’s a slow news day and I like red meat.  So, when I saw their headline: ‘Trump Suddenly Loves ‘Sleazy’ FBI Agents, Insists He Always ‘Has Their Backs’ I took the bait and clicked on the article.  I guess it’s my own version of “Republican’s Pounce!”  Once again, a lib “reporter” cannot understand Trump’s and the public-at-large’s current feelings about the FBI and THE FBI.

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